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Table 3: Some mAbs against GFRs for treating cancer
            Name of mAB      Target   Targeted stages  Indication  Mechanism of   Resistance (known  Status
                                                                  action          mechanism)      (highest level)
            Cetuximab (human   ErbB1  Suppresses cell   Metastatic   Inhibition EGFR   Yes (mutations in a   Approved
            IgG1) (use as single      growth and    colorectal;   signaling (down   number of diverse
            or conjunction with       metastasis    head and neck   regulates active   genes are blamable
            radiotherapy)                           carcinoma     EGFRVII) and    for intrinsic
                                                                  ADCC            resistance)
            Panitumumab      ErbB1    Suppresses cell   Metastatic   Prevents EGFR                Approved
            (human IgG2) (use as      growth        colorectal cancer activation
            single agent)
            Trastuzumab      ErbB2    Suppresses cell   HER2+     Inhibition ErbB2   Yes (overexpression  Approved
            (humanized IgG1)          growth and    metastatic breast  signaling and   of membrane
            (use as single or         angiogenesis,   cancer      ADCC            associated
            as adjuvant for           induces cell                                glycoprotein MUC4;
            chemotherapy)             death                                       increase IGF1R
                                                                                  signaling are some
                                                                                  of the reasons that
                                                                                  confer resistance)
            Ganitumab (human   IGF1R  Inhibits cell   Non-Hodgkin   Blocks IGF-1 and-2  Yes (calcium   Clinical
            IgG1) (use as single      growth,       lymphoma,     binding to IGF1R   dependent    trials (passed
            or combined with          delays tumor   metastatic   without crosslinking  proliferation effects   phase II)
            different neoplastic      progression   pancreatic    with IR, inhibits   acquire resistance in
            drugs)                                  cancer,       activation of   prostate cancer cells)
                                                    metastatic Ewing  IGF1R homodimer
                                                    family of tumors  and IGF1R/IR
            Cixutumumab (human  IGF1R  Induces cancer   Solid tumors,   Prevents IGF1   NA        Clinical
            IgG1) (use as single      cell apoptosis,   Ewing sarcoma   binding to receptor       trials (phase
            or combined with          decreases cell   family tumors  and subsequent              I-II)
            different neoplastic      proliferation               activation of
            drugs)                                                PI3K/AKT
                                                                  survival pathway,
                                                                  mediates receptor
                                                                  internalization and
            PF03446962/      TGF-βR   Prevents      Transitional cell   Disrupts   NA             Clinical
            Anti-Alk1 (human)         angiogenesis   carcinoma of   co-localization of            trials (phase
                                      (dose dependent) bladder    endothelial cells               II)
                                                                  with perivascular
                                                                  cells and reduces
                                                                  blood fl ow
            Ramucirumab      VEGFR2   Inhibits tumor   Hepatocellular,   Blocks VEGF   Yes (VEGF-axis   Clinical trials
            (human IgG1): use         angiogenesis and  renal cell,   binding to the   dependent pathway   (phase II)
            as single or with         growth        and ovarian   receptor and thus   is involved for
            neoplastic drugs                        carcinomas    VEGF-signaling   resistance)
                                                                  and subsequently
            1B3 (used in     Mouse    Inhibits      Pancreatic and   Blocks PDGFR   NA            Preclinical
            combination with   PDGFRβ  angiogenesis  a nonsmall cell   binding with               trial
            mAB against                             lung tumor    receptor,
            antitumor/                              xenograft models ligand-stimulated
            anti-angiogenic                                       activation of
            agent)                                                PDGFRβ and
            IMC-2C5 (human)  Both     Delays growth               downstream      NA              Preclinical
                             mouse and  (cell specifi c),          signaling molecules             trial
                             human    inhibits                    in tumor cells
                             PDGFRβ   angiogenesis
            Clinical phase studies are checked in site. The targeted stages of mAbs in cancer progression are given based cell
            line studies and preclinical trials. ADCC: Antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity; NA: Not available data; EGFR: Epidermal
            growth factor receptor; VEGF: Vascular endothelial growth factor; IGF: Insulin-like growth factor; PDGFR: Platelet-derived growth
            factor receptor; mAbs: Monoclonal antibodies

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