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In  fact,  many  exciting  discoveries  in  epigenetics  have   esophagectomy.   Ling  et al.   showed  that  MSH2
            emerged  from  the  study  of  gastrointestinal  (GI)  cancers.   promoter  hypermethylation  in  circulating  tumor  DNA
            In this review, we summarized the accumulated evidence   was a valuable predictor of disease-free survival of ESCC
            supporting  the  clinical  application  of  DNA  methylation   patients  after  esophagectomy.  Aberrant  methylation  of
            level  in  diagnosis  of  esophageal,  gastric  and  colorectal   FHIT was also reported to be associated with exposure to
            cancers.                                          tobacco  smoking  and  individuals  with  early-stage  ESCC
                                                              whose tumors exhibited FHIT hypermethylation had poor
            Altered DNA Methylation in Esophageal Cancer      prognoses.   CDH1  hypermethylation  was  detected  in
            Esophageal  cancer  can  be  classifi ed  into  two  histological   14-61%  of  ESCC,  which  was  associated  with  recurrence
            types,    esophageal  squamous  cell  carcinoma  (ESCC)  and   of  early-stage  ESCC.   Moreover,  aberrantly  methylated
            esophageal  adenocarcinoma  (    EAC).  Their  incidences   gene  promoters  were  also  detected  in  plasma  or  sera  of
            vary  notably  by  geographic  distribution.  ESCC  accounts   ESCC  patients.  Hibi  et al.   showed  that  p16  promoter
            for  approximately  90%  of  the  esophageal  cancers  in   methylation in ESCC specimens had this same methylation
            East Asian  countries, [10,11]   whereas  the  highest  number  of   change in their serum DNA in 23% the of patients, which
            EAC  is  found  in  Northern  and  Western  Europe,  North   implied  that  detection  of  serum  DNA  p16  promoter
            America  and  Oceania.   These  two  subtypes  also  have   methylation could serve as a tumor marker. However, few
            different epigenetic alterations. Growing evidence suggests   studies have addressed or detected DNA hypo-methylation
            that  there  is  a  fi eld  of  epigenetic  changes  in  esophageal   in  ESCC.  LINE-1  methylation  is  regarded  as  a  surrogate
            cancer [13-15]   by  particularly  emphasized  signifi cance  of   marker for global DNA methylation. To better understand
            promoter  hypermethylation  of  14  specifi c  genes  (SFRP1,   DNA  methylation  in  ESCC  tissues,  our  group  measured
            SFRP2,  DCC,  APC,  p16,  p14,  APBA1,  APBA2,  APBA3,   their  LINE-1  methylation  using  the  pyrosequencing
            CACNA1G,  PTGS2,  DAPK1,  MLH1  and  MGMT)  in    technology.  Chronic  tobacco  smoking  and  heavy
            non-cancerous  mucosae  from  ESCC  patients  vs.  mucosae   alcohol  drinking  are  established  as  risk  factors  for
            from  healthy  volunteers,   indicating  that  aberrant   ESCC  development. [21-25]   LINE-1  hypo-methylation  is
            methylation  or  these  14  gene  promoters  in  esophageal   signifi cantly  associated  with  tobacco  smoking,  which
            mucosae  is  associated  with  ESCC  development.  An   supports  its  plausibility  as  a  surrogate  marker  for  an
            overview  of  different  previous  studies  of  clinical   epigenetic  fi eld  defect.   LINE-1  methylation  is  highly
            implications  of  DNA  methylation  in  esophageal  cancer   variable  among  ESCC  specimens  (25-92%)  and  its
            is  provided  in  Table  1.  Aberrant  promoter  methylation   hypo-methylation  is  strongly  associated  with  poor  ESCC
            of  tumor  suppressor  genes  has  also  been  used  to  predict   prognosis.   Moreover,  loss  of  insulin-like  growth  factor
            clinical  outcomes  following  curative  ESCC  resections.   2 (IGF2) imprinting has been found in ESCC and loss of
            For  example,  promoter  methylation  of  APC  has  been   IGF2  methylation  is  associated  with  shorter  survival  of
            associated  with  reduced  survival  of  ESCC  patients  after   patients. [28]

            Table 1: Association of gene promoter methylation with clinical outcomes of esophageal cancer patients
            Gene                 Histological type  Correlation with clinical outcomes                Reference
            DNA hypermethylation
             APC                 ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                        [16]
             CDH1                ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                        [19]
             p16                 ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis, serum promoter methylation  [20,94]
             Claudin-4           ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                        [95]
             FHIT                ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis and tobacco/alcohol consumption  [18,96]
             Integrin α4         ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                        [19]
             MGMT                ESCC             Association with lymph node metastasis                [97]
             MSH2                ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                       [17,98]
             AKAP12              Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus         [31]
             CDH13               Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus         [31]
             p16                 Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus        [31,99]
             HPP1                Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus        [31,99]
             NELL1               Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus         [31]
             RUNX3               Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus        [31,99]
             SST                 Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus         [31]
             TAC1                Barrett/BAC      Progression prediction in Barrett’s esophagus         [31]
            DNA hypomethylation
             IGF2                ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis                        [28]
             LINE-1              ESCC             Associated with poor prognosis and tobacco consumption  [26,27]
            ESCC: Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; Barrett/BAC: Barrett’s esophageal adenocarcinoma

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