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In  EAC,  methylation  patterns  of  promoter  CpG   widely  in  molecular  pathogeneses.   Nonetheless,
            islands  in  several  genes,  such  as  tumor  suppressor   epigenetic  alterations  play  important  roles  in  the
            genes  (APC, TIMP3, SFRP1, SFRP2, WIF1, AKAP12,   development  of  both  gastric  carcinoma  types.  Gene
            RUNX3, SOCS1 and SOCS3)  and  DNA  repair         promoter methylation has been reported to associate with
            genes  (MGMT),  have  been  reported  previously.   In   gastric cancer development, such as CDKN2A, CDK2AP2,
            Barrett’s  esophagus,  a  pre-malignant  condition  that  can   CDH1, MGMT, RASSF1, RUNX3, DLC1, ITGA4, ZIC1,
            lead  to  EAC  development,  aberrant  DNA  methylation   PRDM5, PCDH10, TFPI2, RUNX3, SPINT2, BTG4,
            has  also  been  shown  to  occur  in  promoters  of  tumor   SFRP2, hMLH1, DKK-3, TCF4, GRIK2, RAR, CHFR,
            suppressor  genes,  adhesion  molecules  and  DNA  repair   BNIP3, RASSF1A, LRP1B  and SFRP5,  promoter  of
            genes  (AKAP12,  APC,  CDH13,  DAPK1, GPX,  GST,   which  was  more  frequently  methylated  in  gastric  cancer
            MGMT,    NELL1,   REPRIMO/RPRM,    p16,   SFRP,   tissues  than  those  of  the  corresponding  normal  gastric
            SOCS,  SST, TAC1,  TIMP3  and  WIF1).   Jin  et al.   tissue. [35,36]   Furthermore,  promoter  methylation  of  many
            reported  that  promoter  hypermethylation  of  eight  genes   genes  with  different  biological  functions  has  been
            (p16, RUNX3, HPP1, NELL1, TAC1, SST, AKAP12  and   associated  with  the  clinicopathological  characteristics
            CDH13)  could  predict  neoplastic  progression  risk  in   and  prognosis  of  gastric  cancer  [Table  2].   Of  these
            Barrett’s  esophagus.   However,  in  the  study  of  DNA   genes,  promoter  hypermethylation  of  CDH1   and
            hypo-methylation in Barrett’s EAC (BAC), Alvarez et al.   MGMT [39,40]   was  associated  with  worse  outcomes  of
            reported  a  predominance  of  DNA  hypo-methylation   gastric  cancer  patients  after  surgery.  However,  patients
            rather  than  DNA  hyper-methylation  in  early-stage   with  hypermethylated  IGF2  in  blood  leukocyte  DNA
            of  BAC  carcinogenesis.  They  also  detected  DNA   reportedly  had  a  signifi cantly  better  survival  rate  than
            hypo-methylation  in  a  series  of  genes  associated  with   those  with  hypo-methylated  IGF2.   Additionally,
            the  immune  system  such  as  chemokines  (CXCL1  and   DNA  methylation  of  detected  in  body  fl uids  that  can
            CXCL3). [32]                                      be  obtained  non-invasively,  such  as  serum  and  gastric
                                                              washes, may have a clinical application for gastric cancer;
            Altered DNA Methylation in Gastric Cancer         for  example,  detection  of  aberrant  DNA  methylation
                                                              of  CDH1,  DAPK,  GSTP1,  p15,  p16,  RARβ,  RASSF1A,
            Gastric  cancer  is  the  fourth  most  frequently  diagnosed
            cancer  and  the  second  leading  cause  of  cancer-related   RUNX3 and TFPI2 in serum may be a useful biomarker
            deaths  in  the  world.   Gastric  adenocarcinoma  accounts   for gastric cancer.
            for  90-95%  of  gastric  cancer  and  has  two  histological   Environmental   factors   also   signifi cantly   affect
            subtypes  (intestinal  and  diffuse)  based  on  microscopic   DNA  methylation.  Etiological  studies  have  closely
            observation  and  tumor  growth  patterns,  which  differ   associated  two  distinct  infectious  agents,  Helicobacter

            Table 2: Association of gene promoter methylation with clinical outcomes of gastric cancer
            Gene                   Correlation with clinical outcomes                            References
            DNA hypermethylation
             BNIP3                 Association with poor prognosis                                [100,101]
             CACNA2D3              Correlation with lymph node metastasis                          [102]
             CDH1                  Association with poor prognosis, H. pylori infection, and EBV infection  [38,46,49-51]
             DAPK                  Correlation with cell differentiation, lymph node metastasis   [100,103]
             FLNc                  Association with poor prognosis                                 [104]
             GPX3                  Correlation with lymph node metastasis                         [105,106]
             HAI-2/SPINT2          Correlation with cell differentiation, lymph node metastasis    [107]
             HoxD10                Association with poor prognosis                                 [108]
             LOX                   Association with poor prognosis and H. pylori infection          [45]
             MGMT                  Association with poor prognosis                              [103,104,109]
             MLH1                  Association with poor prognosis                                 [104]
             p15                   Association with EBV infection                                 [49-51]
             p16                   Association with poor prognosis, H. pylori infection and EBV infection  [38,46,49-51,102,104]
             p73                   Association with EBV infection                                   [52]
             PAX6                  Association with poor prognosis                                 [100]
             RASSF1A               Association with poor prognosis                                [100,103]
             RASSF2                Association with poor prognosis                                 [104]
             RUNX3                 Correlation with TNM stage and H. pylori infection             [110,111]
            DNA hypormetylation
             LINE-1                Association with poor prognosis and H. pylori infection         [55,56]
             SURF                  Association with poor prognosis                                  [57]
            H. pylori: Helicobacter pylori; EBV: Epstein-Barr virus

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