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Table 4: Association of gene promoter methylation with prognosis of colorectal cancer
Gene Specimen type Correlation with clinical outcomes References
DNA hypermetylation Prognosis
APC Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [127]
CD109 Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [87]
EVL Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [87]
FLNC Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [87]
HLTF Blood Associated with poor prognosis [128]
HOPX-β Tissue Worse prognosis of stage III CRC [129]
HPP1 Blood Associated with poor prognosis [128]
IGFBP3 Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [87]
MLH1 Blood Associated with favorable prognosis [130]
p16 Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [127]
RASSF2A Tissue Associated with poor prognosis [131]
TFPI2 Blood Associated with poor prognosis [132]
DNA hypomethylation Prognosis
IGF2 Tissue Associated with prognosis [88]
LINE-1 Tissue Associated with worse OS [133]
CRC: Colorectal cancer; OS: Overall survival
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118 Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦