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Skorupan et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2023;9:5  Page 15 of 26

               Table 5. Clinical outcomes in PACC
                                             Age at     Median    With
                Reference Data source  Years n  diagnosis   tumor size   metastasis   OS   Stage 4 OS  Early stage
                                                                                               OS (median)
                                                                             (median) (median)
                                             (median)   (cm)      (%)
                [142]    NCDB      1985-  865 67        5.9       32.1       N/A     17.2%*    NR-22.6m
                [145]    SEER      1988-  672 56                  53.1       47      22%*      72%*^
                [144]    SEER      2004-  252 63.8      N/A       54.4       10      7         18,29^
                [143]    German Cancer  2000-  233 66   N/A       33.9       22      6         34^
                         Registry Group 2019
                [141]    SI-Harvard   1996-  66  64     4.3       42         13      15        38
                         Hospitals  2019
                [147]    Korean Tumor  2003-  59  59.2  4.6       0          N/A     N/A       78.8^
                         Registry   2018
                [148]    SI-West China  2006-  52  50.8  5.0      30.8       39      N/A       48^
                         Hospital  2016
                Seo 2017 [146]  SI-Asan   1997-  20  57  4.0      0          N/A     N/A       75^
                         Medical Center 2015
                Matos    MI        1998-  17  59        5.3       23.5       19      N/A       61^
                2009               2008
               Multiple retrospective case series examining survival in PACC patients have been conducted. *indicates that 5-year overall survival percentage is
               documented; ^indicates value is for resected patients only; SI: Single institution; MI: multi-institution; n: number of patient cases; OS: overall
               survival (in months unless otherwise specified); N/A: not available; NR: not reached.

               crystals are visualized [162,163] . Patients experiencing LHS usually have advanced metastatic disease. LHS in
               PACC has been recently well-reviewed by Taskin et al. .

               Levels of the PDAC serum tumor marker CA 19-9 are elevated in less than 30% of patients with PACC and
               may be related to non-specific biliary duct irritation rather than tumor production in most cases .
               Nevertheless, poor survival outcomes were observed in patients with tumors that do express CA 19-9 [146,147] .
               Larger cohorts would be required to assess the prognostic value of this marker in PACC. Elevation of CEA
               has been observed in about one-fifth of PACC patients , and elevated blood Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP)
               levels in younger patients and should raise suspicion of PACC, especially when associated with a pancreatic
               mass . Serum lipase might be used as a surrogate marker of tumor response in some patients, as PACC
               frequently produces high levels of lipase, but this has not been well characterized in the literature.

               Clinical management of PACC
               There are currently no treatment guidelines for PACC. All treatment is extrapolated from standards of care
               for PDAC as no prospective or randomized trials examining treatment paradigms have been reported.
               Staging of PACC is as per PDAC staging [Table 1].

               Resectable disease
               Surgical resection is the treatment of choice for early-stage disease. Resection has been shown to result in a
               dramatic improvement in cohort overall survival as compared to no resection in multiple retrospective case
               series and population-based studies [141-144,166] . In fact, resection was the most predictive factor for overall
               survival in some studies. In one study, 5-year survival for Stage I or II patients receiving resection was 42%
               compared to 9% for those who did not get surgery . Negative margins are predictive of better long-term
               survival in some studies.
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