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Skorupan et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2023;9:5                          Page 9 of 26

               Table 2. Comparison of ASCP to PDAC populations
                                         No. Of patients   Poor diff (%)  Node-positive (%)   Tumor size (cm)    Median OS (mo)        OS (%)
                Study  Data source
                                     ASCP        PDAC    ASCP   PDAC   ASCP      PDAC       ASCP     PDAC     ASCP     PDAC     ASCP   PDAC   Time
                [79]   SEER          415 (0.9%)  45693   71.4   45     52.8      47.1       5.7      4.3      4        5        10.8   10.9   2y
                [80]   NCDB          1745        205328  40.6   17.3   21.9      14.8       56%*     33.1%*   5.7      6.2      13     13.8   2y
                [81]   CA Cancer Reg  95         14746                                                        4        NR
               Digits in italics indicate the study found a statistically significant difference in this measure. *Indicates measurement of percent tumors ≥ 4 cm. Poor diff: Poorly differentiated tumor on histology; OS: overall survival;
               NR: not reported.

               Table 3. Comparison of resected ASCP to PDAC
                                         No. Of patients  Poor diff (%)   Node-positive (%)   Tumor size (cm)   Median OS (mo)         OS (%)
                Study  Data source
                                       ASCP    PDAC     ASCP   PDAC    ASCP      PDAC      ASCP     PDAC     ASCP     PDAC      ASCP   PDAC   Time
                [78]   single institution  91   3918    79.5   35.9    88        78        4.0      3.2      10.8     20.5      18.2   17.5   5y
                [79]   SEER            176     17411    49.4   27.2    51.4      48.4      5.3      3.9      12       16        29     35.8   2y
                [80]   NCDB            503     35492    57     33      55        61        53%*     30%*     14.8     22        18.2   19.2   5y
                [81]   CA Cancer Reg   31      2071                    57.7      60.2      4.6      3.3      12       NR
               Digits in italics indicate the study found a statistically significant difference in this measure. *Indicates measurement of percent tumors ≥ 4 cm. Poor diff: Poorly differentiated tumor on histology; OS: overall survival;
               NR: not reported.

               Clinical manifestations
               ASCP patients have been reported to present with anorexia, weight loss, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, fever, and occasionally jaundice [90-96] . Jaundice
               may be less prominent given that primary tumors in the head of the pancreas are less frequent than seen in PDAC, with a higher incidence of body and tail
               tumors observed. While malignant hypercalcemia is almost never seen in PDAC, multiple cases of hypercalcemia due to elevated PTHrP (Parathyroid
               hormone-related protein) have been reported in ASCP patients [97-99] . This is likely driven by the squamous component, given that malignant hypercalcemia is
               not infrequently seen in other squamous solid tumors that arise from lung, esophagus, and head and neck .
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