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that  PKM2  moves  into  the  nucleus  as  a  monomer.   Fructose-6-phosphate  is  isomerized  to  G6P  in  cells,
            Tumor  cells  have  multiple  ways  to  regulate  PKM2  for   and  this  accumulated  G6P  is  diverted  into  the  PPP,  an
            cell  growth  and  survival,  including  controlling  PKM2   alternative metabolic pathway that can provide substrates
            expression,  localization,  post-translational  modifi cation   for  the  later  steps  in  glycolysis.  Glucose-6-phosphate
            and  allosteric  regulation.  PKM2  also  has    non-metabolic   dehydrogenase  (G6PD)  is  mediated  by  various  signals,
            functions  as  a  transcriptional  coactivator  and  protein   and  it  acts  as  a  sensor  of  cellular  NADP   levels.
            kinase. PKM2 is considered an attractive target for cancer   Increased  NADP   activates  G6PD  by  competing  with
            treatment.  Further studies are needed before inhibitors   NADPH  for  binding  to  this  enzyme  (G6PD),  and
            and  activators  of  PKM2  can  be  used  as  therapeutic   determines  the  amount  of  NADPH  by  controlling  the
            interventions. [74]                               metabolism  of  glucose  via  the  PPP.   The  increased
                                                              fl ow  through  the  PPP  lowers  apoptosis  because  of  an
            PDK  regulates  PDH,  which  links  glycolysis  to  the  TCA
            cycle  by  reversible  phosphorylation.  Phosphorylation  of   increased  generation  of  reduced  GSH  and  removal  of
            PDH by PDK inactivates PDH and halts pyruvate use in   ROS  in  cells.   Elevated  levels  of  G6PD  in  association
            the TCA cycle.  Four PDK isoforms have been verifi ed   with  higher  levels  of  PPP-derived  metabolites  suggest  a
            in  human  tissue,  and  the  expression  of  these  isoforms   prominent  role  of  this  pathway  in  metabolic  alterations
            was organ specifi c. PDK-1 positivity was associated with   of  human  cancer.    G6PD  inhibition  decreases  cancer
            poor  prognosis  in  gastric  cancer;   however,  expression   cell  survival,  NADPH  levels  and  increases  production
            of  PDK-1  was  decreased  in  colon  cancer  compared   of ROS, suggesting that the PPP plays an important role
            to  normal  tissue.  PDK-3  expression  was  detected  in   in  the  regulation  of  redox  homeostasis.    G6PD  is
            colon  cancer,  and  PDK-3  positivity  was  associated  with   associated  with  adriamycin  resistance  in  breast  cancer
            poor  prognosis.   Only  a  few  studies  have  reported  the   cells using proteomics analysis.
            relation  between  PDK  positivity  and  prognosis,  and  the   The  PPP  is  positively  regulated  by  K-ras G12D ,  PI3K,
            clinical  signifi cance  of  PDK  expression  has  remained   mTORC1,   Tap73, [93,94]   HSP27,   SREBP,   the
            unclear.  LDH  is  a  tetrameric  enzyme  comprising  two   ataxia-telangiectasia  mutated  kinase,  protein  kinase
            major  sub-units,  A  and/or  B,  resulting  in  fi ve  isozymes   A,  NADP  and  glycolytic  inhibition  (TIGAR,   PKM2
            (A4,  A3B1,  A2B2,  A1B3  and  B4)  that  can  catalyze   and  PGAM).  The  PPP  is  negatively  regulated  by  p53,
            the  forward  and  backward  conversion  of  pyruvate  to   PTEN,   AMPK,   cyclic  adenosine  monophosphate,
            lactate.  LDH-A  (LDH-5,  MLDH  or  A4),  which  is  the   cyclic   AMP-response   element   modulator   and
            predominant  form  in  skeletal  muscle,  kinetically  favors   aldosterone.   TAp73,  the  transcriptionally  competent
            the  conversion  of  pyruvate  to  lactate,  controlling  the   isoform of the p53 family protein p73, was identifi ed as a
            conversion of pyruvate to lactate of the cellular glycolytic   transcriptional regulator of G6PD. [94]
            process.  Many studies have shown that human cancers
            have  higher  LDH-A  levels  compared  with  normal   The  PPP  is  a  well-established  metabolic  pathway,  but
            tissues.  Previous studies showed that 661 intestinal-type   the  mechanism  that  activates  the  PPP  has  yet  to  be
            gastric  cancer  (ITGC)   and  128  CRC   specimens   identifi ed.  TIGAR,  a  target  of  p53,  inhibits  glycolysis
            with  high  LDH-A  expression  are  associated  with  poor   and diverts the carbon fl ux into the PPP, resulting in the
            prognosis.  LDH-A  is  specifi cally  phosphorylated  at  Y10   passive  promotion  of  PPP  activity.  NADPH  production
            in various cancer cell lines, head and neck squamous cell   pathway  is  targeted  by  nuclear  factor  E2  p45-related
            carcinoma (    SCC), lung cancer, breast cancer and prostate   factor  2  (Nrf2).   Nrf2,  a  bZIP  transcription  factor,
            cancer  cells  and  by  diverse  oncogenic  tyrosine  kinases,   plays  a  central  role  in  the  regulation  (basal  and/or
            including  FGFR1,  ABL,  JAK2  and  FLT.   LDH-A   inducible  expression)  of  phase  2  genes  by  binding  to
            reduction  using  si-RNA  for  LDH-A  can  suppress  the   the  anti-oxidant  response  element  in  their  promoters.
            tumorigenicity of ITGC cells  and HCC. [83]       A  previous  study  focused  on  the  cytoprotective  aspect
                                                              of the PPP by analyzing NADPH production as reducing
            The Pentose Phosphate Pathway                     equivalents  for  ROS  elimination.   The  PPP  genes  are
                                                              strongly activated by Nrf2 in proliferating cells in which
            The  PPP  is  a  major  pathway  for  glucose  catabolism.   the PI3K-Akt pathway is active, and increased expression
            Glucose  is  a  common  fuel  for  multicellular  organisms,   of the PPP genes contributes to cell proliferation. [98]
            entering  cells  through  GLUTs  and  then  being
            phosphorylated by HK to form G6P. G6P can be further   Under  basal  conditions,  Keap1  binds  to  the  ETGE
            metabolized  by  both  the  glycolytic  pathway  and  the   and  DLG  motifs  in  Nrf2  and  recruits  Nrf2  to  the
            PPP.   The  PPP  generates  ribose  5-phosphate  (R5P),   Keap1-Cul3-E3  ubiquitin  ligase  complex,  leading
            a  critical  sub-strate  for  nucleotide  synthesis.  The  PPP   to  ubiquitination  and  subsequent  degradation  of
            plays  a  critical  role  in  regulating  cancer  cell  growth  by   Nrf2.  Oxidative  stress  or  electrophiles  can  cause  a
            supplying  cells  with  not  only  R5P  but  also  NADPH   conformational  change  in  the  Keap1-Cul3-E3  ubiquitin
            for  detoxifi cation  of  intra-cellular  ROS,  reductive   ligase  by  acting  on  specifi c  cysteine  residues  in
            biosynthesis and ribose biogenesis.               Keap1. [100]  These changes disrupt Nrf2-Keap1 binding at
                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦    175
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