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pyruvate kinase type M2 (PKM2), LDH-A and pyruvate   show  an  embryonic  lethal  phenotype   and  SOD2  KO
            dehydrogenase kinase, isozyme 1 (PDK-1).          mice die within 3 weeks of birth because of mitochondrial
                                                              oxidative damage and severe neurodegeneration. [16,17]
            The pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) is a major pathway
            for  glucose  catabolism.  The  PPP  directly  or  indirectly   Mutations  in  mitochondrial  DNA  (mtDNA)  occur  at  a
            provides  reducing  power  to  fuel  the  biosynthesis  of   high frequency in human tumors. Tumor mtDNA somatic
            lipids and nucleotides and sustains anti-oxidant responses   mutations  range  from  severe  insertions/deletions  and
            to  support  cell  survival  and  proliferation.  Abnormal   chain termination mutations to mild missense mutations.
            respiratory  metabolic  pathways  infl uence  energy  balance   A total of 190 tumor-specifi c somatic mtDNA mutations
            and the reactive oxygen species (ROS) balance in cancer   have  been  reported  and  72%  of  them  are  also  mtDNA
            cells.  The  increase  in  ROS  generation  from  metabolic   sequence  variants  found  in  the  general  population.
            abnormalities  and  oncogenic  signaling  in  cancer  cells   They  include  52%  tumor  somatic  mRNA  missense
            triggers  a  redox  adaptation  response  to  maintain  ROS   mutations,  83%  tRNA  mutations,  38%  rRNA  mutations
            levels  below  the  toxic  threshold.  Cancer  cells  would  be   and  85%  control  region  mutations.  Germline  mtDNA
            increasingly dependent on the anti-oxidant system.  mutations  at  nucleotides  10,398  and  16,189  have  been
                                                              associated  with  breast  cancer,   esophageal  cancer
            In  this  review,  signifi cant  molecular  insights  into   and  endometrial  cancer.   The  mtDNA  conferring  high
            mitochondrial  metabolism,  anaerobic  glycolysis  and  the   metastatic  potential  contained  G13997A  and  13885insC
            PPP in cancer are discussed. We also review the control   mutations  in  the  gene  encoding  NADH  dehydrogenase
            of ROS levels by the endogenous anti-oxidant system and   sub-unit  6.  These  mutations  produced  a  defi ciency  in
            the therapeutic strategies targeting cancer metabolism.  respiratory  complex  I  activity  and  were  associated  with
                                                              overproduction  of  ROS.   Severe  mutations  can  inhibit
            Mitochondria in Cancer Cells
                                                              oxidative  phosphorylation,  increase  ROS  production  and
            As  the  main  energy  producers,  mitochondria  produce   promote  tumor  cell  proliferation;  milder  mutations  may
            ATP using the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.   permit tumors to adapt to new environments. [22]
            However,  they  also  generate  ROS  during  this  process,   Recent  investigations  have  revealed  that  p53  can
            which  are  harmful  to  the  cell  if  produced  in  excess.   modulate  the  balance  between  the  glycolytic  pathway
            In  addition,  mitochondria  play  a  crucial  role  in  the   and  mitochondrial  oxidative  phosphorylation.   The  key
            regulation  of  cell  death  pathways  and  intra-cellular   component in this regulation is the gene encoding synthesis
            Ca   homeostasis.  Mitochondria  activate  apoptosis  by   of  cytochrome  c  oxidase  2  (SCO2),  in  conjunction  with
            regulating  the  release  of  pro-apoptotic  proteins  from  the   the SCO1 protein. Analysis of potential p53 target genes
            mitochondrial  intermembrane  to  the  cytosol,  and  they   that  can  infl uence  mitochondrial  function  showed  that
            also  play  a  crucial  role  in  non-apoptotic  cell  death.    SCO2,  but  not  SCO1,  was  induced  in  a  p53-dependent
            Key  regulators  related  to  cell  death  in  the  mitochondria   manner.  SCO2  is  critical  for  regulating  the  cytochrome
            are  frequently  altered  in  cancer  cells,   and  the  function   c  oxidase  (COX)  complex,  the  major  site  of  oxygen  use
            of  mitochondria  in  cancer  cells  is  different  from  that  in   and is required for the assembly of COX.  Mutation of
            normal cells. [10]                                p53  in  tumor  cells  leads  to  inhibition  of  mitochondrial
                The mitochondrial mechanism in cancer cells is different   respiration  as  a  result  of  COX  defi ciency  and  a  shift  of
            from that in normal cells using oxidative phosphorylation.   cellular  energy  metabolism  toward  glycolysis.  Inhibition
            In  oxidative  phosphorylation,  ATP  synthesis  requires   of glycolysis by glucose withdrawal leads to the activation
            signifi cant  amounts  of  oxygen,  which  leads  to  the   of  p53.  Under  conditions  of  cellular  stress,  activation
            continuous  production  of  ROS  such  as  superoxide   of  p53  could  increase  SCO2  expression  and  stimulate
            anion,  organic  peroxide  and  hydrogen  peroxide.   If   mitochondrial  respiration  and  ATP  production.  Another
            the  redox  regulating  system  does  not  eliminate  the   newly discovered target of p53 is TP53-induced glycolysis
            generated  ROS,  the  excessive  ROS  may  cause  cellular   and  apoptosis  regulator  (TIGAR).  Expression  of  TIGAR
            damage.  Mitochondria  have  redox  defense  systems  for   lowered fructose-2,6-bisphosphate levels in cells, resulting
            the elimination of hydrogen peroxide. Glutathione (GSH)   in the inhibition of glycolysis while stimulating NADPH
            and glutathione peroxidases require nicotinamide adenine   generation  through  the  pentose  phosphate  shunt.   The
            dinucleotide  phosphate  (NADPH)  for  the  elimination  of   expression  of  TIGAR  in  primary  tumors  is  signifi cantly
            H O  and other peroxides generated in the mitochondria.   correlated  with  standardized  uptake  values  max,  and
            The  mitochondrial  complex  V  (ATP  synthase)  produces   low  expression  of  TIGAR  may  predict  a  worse  clinical
            ATP  from  ADP  and  inorganic  phosphate.  As  an   outcome in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
            anti-oxidant  defense  system,  peroxiredoxin  (Prx)  3,   HIF-1  plays  an  important  role  in  the  upregulation  of
            Prx5,  superoxide  dismutase  2  (SOD2)  and  thioredoxin   enzymes  stimulating  glucose  use.  Recent  investigations
            2  eliminate  ROS  produced  in  mitochondria. [12,13]   Prx3   demonstrated  that  HIF-1  suppresses  mitochondrial
            knockout (KO) mice exhibit metabolic dysregulation and   function  in  tumor  cells  and  modulates  the  reciprocal
            induction of oxidative damage,  thioredoxin 2 KO mice   relationship   between   glycolysis   and   oxidative
                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment  ¦  Volume 1 ¦ Issue 3 ¦ October 15, 2015 ¦    173
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