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Tirelli et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2023;9:20                 Journal of Cancer
               DOI: 10.20517/2394-4722.2022.98
                                                                       Metastasis and Treatment

               Narrative Review                                                              Open Access

               Lymph nodes of the perimandibular area: from
               anatomical classification to pathological role in

               cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx and skin

               Giancarlo Tirelli, Francesco Uderzo, Nicoletta Gardenal, Paolo Boscolo-Rizzo, Alberto Vito Marcuzzo
               ENT & Head and Neck Clinic, Cattinara Hospital - ASUGI Strada di Fiume 447, Trieste 34100 Italy.

               Correspondence to: Dr. Alberto Vito Marcuzzo, ENT & Head and Neck Clinic, Cattinara Hospital - ASUGI Strada di Fiume 447,
               Trieste 34100, Italy. E-mail:

               How to cite this article: Tirelli G, Uderzo F, Gardenal N, Boscolo-Rizzo P, Marcuzzo AV. Lymph nodes of the perimandibular area:
               from anatomical classification to pathological role in cancer of the oral cavity, oropharynx and skin. J Cancer Metastasis Treat
               Received: 2 Aug 2022  First Decision: 6 Apr 2023  Revised: 13 Apr 2023  Accepted: 10 May 2023  Published: 23 May 2023

               Academic Editors: Fausto Chiesa, Thomas Liehr  Copy Editor: Fangling Lan  Production Editor: Fangling Lan

               Lymph node status of the neck is the most important prognostic factor in head and neck cancer. Neck dissection,
               which consists of the systematic excision of the neck nodes, represents the gold standard of surgical treatment in
               clinically positive necks. In cases in which metastases to lymph nodes of the neck are not detectable, the decision
               to perform an elective neck dissection depends on the stage and the site of the primary tumor. This narrative
               review focuses on the anatomical description and oncological role of a group of lymph nodes of the neck that
               historically has not been well defined. Over the years, several authors have described the groups of lymph nodes
               that lie where the facial vein crosses the mandible, but to date, no unique definition or a clear view of their
               oncological role has been proposed. Recently, the term “perimarginal nodes” was coined to refer to this group of
               lymph nodes, and emphasis was placed on the risk of leaving them undissected during neck dissection. This paper
               aims to provide a surgical-anatomical classification of these lymph nodes and describe their oncological role on the
               basis of a review of the relevant literature.
               Keywords: Perimarginal nodes, perifacial nodes, submandibular nodes, Hayes Martin maneuver, facial vein, neck
               dissection, level IB, submandibular triangle

                          © The Author(s) 2023. Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
                          International License (, which permits unrestricted use, sharing,
                          adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, for any purpose, even commercially, as
              long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and
              indicate if changes were made.

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