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Nagayama. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:6  I                        Page 9 of 16

               Table 2. Summary of the articles reporting anti-tumorigenic action of autophagy
                                              The effect on cell                 The effects of autophagy
                             TC cell lines used                  The effect of KD                    Ref.
                                              growth/survival                         inhibition
                Autophagy inhibitors
                 BIRC7      BCPAP, TPC1, K1 and  Promotion of tumor growth  Inhibition of BIRC7-    [85]
                            IHH-4          and migration/invasion  induced tumor growth
                                                              and migration/invasion by
                                                              BIRC7 KD
                 miRNA-221/222 K1          Inhibition of apoptosis  Suppression of                  [86]
                                           Promotion of migration and  miRNA-221/222 inhibitor-
                                           invasion           induction of apoptosis by
                                           Suppression of ATG10   ATG10 siRNA
                Autophagy stimulators
                 Apigenin   BCPAP          Induction of autophagic cell          Blockade of apigenin-  [75]
                                           death and G2/M arrest                 induction of cell death by
                 Sanguinarine   BCPAP and TPC1  Inhibition of cell               Abolishment of     [87]
                                           proliferation, and induction          sanguinarine’s anti-cancer
                                           of ROS and apoptosis                  effect by NAC-mediated
                                                                                 ROS inhibition
                 Aloperine  KMH-2 (N-RAS Q61R   Induction of cell death          Impairment of aloperine-  [88]
                            and TERT 228C>T ) and                                induced cell death effect by
                            IHH-4                                                3-MA
                 IncRNA GAS8- TPC1 and BCPAP  Inhibition of cell                 Impairment of anti-  [91]
                 AS1                       proliferation                         proliferative effect of
                                                                                 IncRNA GAS8-AS1 by ATG5
                 Allicin    SW1736 and Hth-7  Inhibition of cell survival        Abolishment of anti-  [89,90]
                                                                                 survival effect of allicine by
                                                                                 3-MA and CQ
                 Mulberry   SW1736 and Hth-  Induction of apoptosis              Abolishment of mulberry-  [90]
                 anthocyanin  7 (N-RAS Q61R  and                                 induced apoptosis by 3-MA
                            TERT 250C>T )                                        and CQ
                 Doxorubicin  TPC1 and 8505C  Induction of cell death            Impairment of doxorubicin/ [92]
                                                                                 radiation-induced cell
                                                                                 death by 3-MA
                 RAD001     TPC1 and 8505C  Sensitization to doxorubicin         Abolishment of sensitizing   [93]
                                           and radiation                         effect of RAD001 by ATG5
                 Sirtuin 6  TPC1 and K1    Inhibition of in vivo tumor           Cancellation of Sirtuin   [97]
                                           growth                                6-mediated tumor growth
                                                                                 inhibition by CQ

               IncRNA GAS8-AS1: long non-coding RNA GAS8 antisense RNA 1; BIRC7: baculoviral IAP repeat containing 7; KD: knockdown; CQ:
               chloroquine; 3-MA: 3-methyladenine

               Table 3. Summary of the articles reporting context-dependent effect of autophagy modulators on cancer behavior
                Autophagy    TC cell lines used  The effects on autophagy and   The effects of autophagy inhibition  Ref.
                modulators                         cell growth/survival
                TRAIL    TPC1                  Induction of autophagy and cell   Impairment of TRAIL-induced cell death   [98]
                                               death                   by ATG7 siRNA (indicating anti-survival
                                                                       effect of TRAIL-induced autophagy)
                         FRO                   Induction of cell death but not   Impairment of TRAIL-induced cell death
                                               autophagy               by ATG7 siRNA (indicating anti-survival
                                                                       effect of basal level of autophagy)
                FAM129A   PCCL3 (a normal rat thyroid cell Induction of autophagy at the basal  -    [99]
                         line)                 level, but inhibition of RET/PTC-
                                               enhanced autophagy
                         TPC1 and FTC-236 (PTEN R130Ter ,  Inhibition of autophagy  -
                         TERT 228C>T   ,and p53 R273H )
               TRAIL: tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand; FAM129A: family with sequence similarity 129 member A
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