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Page 8 of 16                         Nagayama. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:6  I

               Table 1. Summary of the articles reporting pro-proliferative/tumorigenic action of autophagy
                                   TC cell lines used *  The effects on cell growth/  The effects of autophagy   Ref.
                                                             survival              inhibition
                Autophagy inhibitors
                 CQ           8505C (BRAF V600E , TERT 250C>T ,   Inhibition of cell growth, colony   [63,68,69]
                              and p53 R248G ), FTC133   formation and Induction of
                              (PTEN R130Ter  and TERT 228C>T )   apoptosis
                              BCPAP (BRAF V600E ) and TPC1
                              (RET/PTC1 and TERT 228C>T )
                 3-MA         BCPAP                  Inhibition of cell growth                    [67]
                 ATG5 KD      8505C and FTC133       Induction of apoptosis                       [68]
                 ATG7 KD      BCPAP and TPC1         Induction of apoptosis                       [63,69]
                Autophagy stimulators
                 BANCR        IHH-4 (BRAF V600E  and   Stimulation of cell survival and   Inhibition of cell growth and   [58]
                              TERT 228C>T )          proliferation         induction of apoptosis by 3-MA
                 LAMP2A       K1 (BRAF V600E  and TERT 228C>T ),   Induction of chaperon-mediated  Suppression of tumor cell   [64]
                              W3  and TPC1           autophagy and promotion of   proliferation and migration by
                                                     tumor cell proliferation and   LAMP2A shRNA
                 Sorafenib    8505C and FTC133       Inhibition of cell growth and   Augmentation of sorafenib-  [68]
                                                     Induction of apoptosis  induced cell growth inhibition
                                                                           and apoptosis by ATG5 siRNA
                                                                           and CQ
                 Vemurafenib  BCPAP, FRO and 8505C   Induction of cell death (relatively  Sensitization to vemurafenib-  [70,76]
                                                     resistant)            induction of cell death by HCQ
                                                                           and ATG5 siRNA
                 Apatinib     K1, KTC-1, KHM-5M (BRAF V600E ,  Induction of cell growth arrest   Enhancement of apatinib-  [71,72]
                              TERT 228C>T , and p53 R280T ) and   and apoptosis  induced apoptosis by HCQ,
                              C643 (H-RAS G13R )                           3-MA and ATG5 siRNA
                 CZ415        TPC1                   Induction of cell death and   Sensitization to CZ415-induced   [73]
                                                     inhibition of colony formation  cytotoxicity by 3-MA and
                                                                           BECLIN-1 shRNA
                 Radiation    SW-579 (HTB-107)       Induction of apoptosis  Enhancement of radiation-  [74]
                                                                           induced apoptosis by 3-MA and
                                                                           BECLIN-1 siRNA
                 Cisplatin    TPC1, 8305C and SW1736   Induction of cell death  Sensitization to cisplatin-induced  [80,81]
                              (BRAF V600E , TERT 228C>T , and TP53         cell death by 3-MA, CQ, miR-
                              Q192Te r)                                    144 and miR30d (a BECLIN-1
                                                                           expression suppressor)
                 Flavokawain B  WRO (BRAF V600E ) and TPC1  Induction of apoptosis and   Sensitization to flavokawain   [82]
                                                     mitochondrial dysfunction  B-induced apoptosis by 3-MA,
                                                                           CQ and BECLIN-1 siRNA
                 EBSS-induced   FRO , KTC-1 (BRAF V600E  and   A slight cell death  An increase in apoptotic cell   [83]
                 starvation   TERT 250C>T ) and KTC-3 #                    death by autophagy inhibitors
                                                                           (BAG3 and 3-MA)
                 TERT         BCPAP and TPC1         Increases in cell proliferation,   An increase in apoptosis and   [63]
                                                     migration and invasion, and a   decreases in cell proliferation,
                                                     decrease in apoptosis  migration and invasion by TERT
               CQ: chloroquine; 3-MA: 3-methyladenine; EBSS: Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution; BANCR: BRAF-activated lncRNA; LAMP2A: lysosome-
               associated membrane protein type 2A; BAG3: Bcl-2-associated athanogene 3; TERT: telomerase reverse transcriptase. *genotypes are
               from and [112] #
                                                ;  genotypes not reported

               Autophagy inducers so far reported to show the pro-survival/proliferative effect of autophagy include
               BANCR , LAMP2A , tyrosine kinase inhibitors [sorafenib (a pan-tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and
               vemurafenib (a BRAF inhibitor)]) [68,70,76] , apatinib (a VEGF2 inhibitor) [71,72] , CZ415 (an mTOR inhibitor) ,
               radiation , cisplatin [80,81] , flavokawain B  Earle’s Balanced Salt Solution-induced starvation , and
               TERT  [Table 1]. NOTE - among them, some data are not convincing. For example: (1) although the
               authors interpret their data showing augmentation of sorafenib-induced apoptosis by ATG5 KD in thyroid
               cancer cell lines 8505C and FTC133 as indicating the pro-survival effect of autophagy, sorafenib and
               ATG5 KD individually induced apoptosis and the effect of their combination look merely additive (or
               less than additive) ; (2) autophagic activity was not evaluated in the CZ415 study ; and (3) only LC3-II
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