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Page 6 of 17        Priya et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:70

                                           Figure 2. Endotracheal tube with surface electrodes.

               Anesthetic drugs
               Avoid muscle relaxants which interfere with CMAP for EMG reading. In addition, the anesthesiologist must
               ensure that the plane of anesthesia is deep enough to avoid spontaneous vocal cord movement, thus
               resulting in a disturbing tone due to constant fibrillations of the cords.

               Electrical/magnetic interference
               Ensure minimal interference from surrounding equipment by acquiring an independent electrical
               connection  for  the  IONM  as  well  as  by  using  a  muting  probe  on  the  electrocautery  machine
               [Figure 1A and B].

               The circuit is verified by manually tapping the posterior cricoid to achieve a mechanically stimulated EMG
               response on the monitor .
               Electrical settings
               The stimulating probe discharges electrical impulses which depolarize axons at the site of stimulation. The
               stimulation intensity is set at 1 mA and the amplitude threshold is set at 100 µV .

               Intraoperative steps
               Surgery can commence once the system has been set up as described above. After elevation of the
               subplatysmal flaps, ipsilateral sternomastoid muscle is retracted to expose the carotid sheath. The vagus
               nerve is either dissected or else mapped on the carotid sheath with the probe with 2 mA amplitude . This
               is recorded as the pre-dissection vagal (V1) signal. While dissecting the right sided nerve, it is advisable to
               stimulate the vagus at two points: one above the level of the cricoid and another lower down the neck. A
               positive signal higher up and a negative signal lower down must alert the surgeon of the possibility of a non-
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