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Page 4 of 20       Ottewell et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:11

               Table 1. Summary of immune compromised mouse models of breast cancer bone metastasis
                Cell line Origin  Sub-line   Model system   Inoculation route  Metastatic site  Lesion
                MDA-  Human      Parental    BALB/c nude    Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Osteolytic 2-3 weeks
                MB-231  mammary   (ER-PR-HER2-)  MF1 nude                   spine and jaw
                      adenocarcinoma         NOD SCID       Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Osteolytic 1-2 weeks
                      isolated from a        NSG
                      pleural effusion                      Orthotopic (MIND)  Human bone x-plants  Osteolytic 4-7 weeks
                                 MDA-MB-231-  BALB/c nude   Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Osteolytic 2-3 weeks
                                 BO2                        Intra-arterial  spine and jaw
                                                            Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Osteolytic 1-2 weeks
                                 MDA-MB-231-IV   BALB/c nude  Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Osteolytic 2-3 weeks
                                 (ER-PR-HER2-)              Intra-arterial   spine
                                             NOD SCID       Orthotopic (MIND)  Human bone X-plants  Osteolytic 4-7 weeks
                MDA-  Human      Parental    MF1 nude       Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Osteolytic 2-3 weeks
                MB-436  mammary   (ER-PR-HER2-)  BALB/c nude
                      adenocarcinoma         NOD SCID
                      isolated from a
                      pleural effusion
                SUM-  Isolated from a  Parental   NOD SCID  Orthotopic (fat pad)  Human bone X-plants  Osteolytic 4-8 weeks
                1315  metastatic   (ER-PR-HER2-)            Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Osteolytic 3-4 weeks
                      nodule from
                MCF-7  Human     Parental    BALB/c nude    Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones  Mixed 20-25 weeks
                      mammary    (ER+PR+HER2-)              Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Mixed 1-3 weeks
                      adenocarcinoma   under estradiol
                      isolated from a   supplementation     Orthotopic (fat pad)  Mouse long bones  Mixed 4-6 weeks
                      pleural effusion
                                             NOD SCID       Orthotopic (fat pad)  Mouse long bones   Mixed 6-8 weeks
                                                                            Human X-plants
                                 MCF-7/Neu   BALB/c nude    Intra cardiac   Mouse long bones  Mixed 10-12 weeks
                                                            Intra tibial    Mouse long bones  Mixed 1-3 weeks
                T47D  Human      Parental    BALB/c nude    Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones  Mixed 20-25 weeks
                      mammary    (ER+PR+HER2+)              Intra-tibial    Mouse tibiae   Mixed 1-3 weeks
                      ductal     under estradiol
                      carcinoma   supplementation)          Orthotopic (fat pad)  Mouse long bones  Mixed 4-6 weeks
                      isolated from a        NOD SCID       Orthotopic (fat pad)  Mouse long bones   Mixed 6-8 weeks
                      pleural effusion
                                                                            Human X-plants
                ZR75-1  Human ductal   Parental   BALB/c nude  Intra-cardiac  Mouse long bones and  Mixed 12-25 weeks
                      carcinoma   (ER+PR+ER2+)                              spine
                      derived from a
                      ascitic effusion
                Patient   Human ductal   BB2RC08   NSG      Orthotopic (MIND)  Mouse long bones,   Lytic 14+ weeks
                derived   carcinoma   (ER+PR+HER2-)                         lungs and human bone
                xenograft   created from   Under estradiol                  X-plants
                (PDX)  primary breast   supplementation     Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Lytic 14+ weeks
                                                                            lungs and human bone
                      Human ductal   BB3RC32   NSG          Orthotopic (MIND)  Mouse long bones,   Lytic 15+ weeks
                      carcinoma   (ER+PR+HER2-)                             lungs and human bone
                      isolated from   Under estradiol                       X-plants
                      ascitic fluid  supplementation
                                                            Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Lytic 15+ weeks
                                                                            lungs and human bone
                      Human ductal   BB6RC37   NSG          Orthotopic (MIND)  Mouse long bones,   Lytic 12+ weeks
                      carcinoma   (ER-PR-HER2-)                             lungs and human bone
                      created from   Under estradiol                        X-plants
                      primary breast   supplementation      Intra-cardiac   Mouse long bones,   Lytic 15+ weeks
                                                                            lungs and human bone

               short duration between injection of MDA-MB-231 cells and metastatic outgrowth indicates a lack of
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