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Malone et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2021;7:40  Page 3 of 18

               Table 1. Sites of metastasis of primary breast cancer
                Study        Subtype       Location of single metastasis  % of sample  Overall survival (months)
                Niwinska et al. [7]  Luminal/HER2-  Brain                         15 (0.2-56)*
                             HER2+         Brain                                  9 (0.6-3.4)*
                             TNBC          Brain                                  3.7 (0.5-52)*
                Chen et al.                Bone                       35.60%      31
                                           Brain                      1.70%       11 #
                                           Liver                      6.40%       19
                                           Lung                       9.30%       20
                Wu et al.    Luminal A     Bone                       58.52%      14.66 ± 12.83
                                           Brain                      4.30%
                                           Liver                      15.48%
                                           Lung                       21.70%
                             Luminal B     Bone                       47.28%      9.62 ± 10.96
                                           Brain                      5.89%
                                           Liver                      25.65%
                                           Lung                       21.17%
                             HER2+         Bone                       34.49%      11.30 ± 11.71
                                           Brain                      8.31%
                                           Liver                      31.72%
                                           Lung                       25.48%
                             TNBC          Bone                       36.39%      12.48 ± 12.23
                                           Brain                      9.12%
                                           Liver                      22.40%
                                           Lung                       32.09%
                Gong et al.  Luminal A     Bone                       797%        36
                                           Brain                      1.2%
                                           Liver                      8.1%
                                           Lung                       11.0%
                             Luminal B     Bone                       61.0%       44
                                           Brain                      1.6%
                                           Liver                      20.3%
                                           Lung                       17.1%
                             HER2+         Bone                       35.8%       34
                                           Brain                      3.4%
                                           Liver                      32.7%
                                           Lung                       28.1%
                             TNBC          Bone                       43.0%       13
                                           Brain                      5.1%
                                           Liver                      18.9%
                                           Lung                       33.1%
                Gu et al.    TNBC          Bone                       40%         13
                                           Brain                      6%          5
                                           Liver                      16%         13
                                           Lung                       37%         14
               Studies reporting subtypes of primary breast cancer and their site of metastasis and the percent of patients exhibiting the metastasis in that
               location, as well as the overall survival of the patients in the study with the designated metastasis. In some of the studies listed below the reports
               did not specifically correlate overall survival with site of metastasis or molecular subtype. *Indicates survival from detection of brain metastases;
                limited number of patients.
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