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Page 2 of 9                            Othman et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:50  I

               Lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) is a rare and aggressive form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). LBL de-
               velops from immature B cells committed to the B- (B-LBL) or T-cell lineage (T-LBL). LBL is morphologically
               indistinguishable from acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 90% of it have a T-cell phenotype. LBL also
               accounts for approximately 2% of all NHL cases and occur in adult, children and adolescent, with a male
               predominance (three time more male are affected) .
               Chromosomal abnormalities in T-LBL are not well defined and cytogenetic data in T-LBL is limited. How-
               ever, a few published cytogenetic studies revealed that typical chromosomal aberrations identified in T-cell
               ALL (T-ALL) are also present in T-LBL. These include translocations of T-cell receptor (TCR) gene to genes
               encoding transcription factors such as TAL1, TLX1, LMO2, and LYL1. In particular, the translocation t(9;17)
               (q34;q22~23) is typically found in T-LBL . However, no single recurrent and typical genetic alteration for
               T-LBL could be identified. This is in contrast to other malignancies like translocation of ALK gene in ana-
               plastic large cell lymphoma, MYC gene in Burkitt lymphoma or BCL2 gene in follicular lymphoma.

               Here we present the comprehensive analysis of a T-LBL case with a normal karyotype, according to standard
               G-banding with trypsin-Giemsa (GTG)-banding, using high resolution molecular methods, identifying also
               some intra-tumor genetic heterogeneity besides unusual acquired genetic alterations. Also here we report
               NUP214-ABL1 gene fusion in this patient, which appears cryptic due to its localization in episomes.

               CASE REPORT
               A seventeen-year-old female patient, who was initially diagnosed in South Africa with T-ALL, presented
               in the clinic in Poland with abdominal pain, accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting; she was here initially
               treated only symptomatically. A few days before, a blood test already revealed hyperleukocytosis (589 × 10 /l)
               with presence of 94% lymphoblasts in blood smear, hemoglobin 8.5 g/dl, and platelet count 53 × 10 /l. Bone
               marrow findings were: hypercellularity with 95% lymphoblasts, lack of megakaryocytes and Periodic-Acid-
               Schiff (PAS) staining identified in 70% of the blasts thick grains (data not shown). Ultrasound of abdomen
               showed enlargement of the spleen to 152 mm, and presence of fluid in the lower pelvis. Cervical lymph nodes
               were bilaterally enlarged with diameters of 3-4 cm, and small submandibular nodes were bilaterally enlarged
               to 2 cm in diameter.

               Cytogenetic and immunophenotypic analyses were done. The latter characterized a T-LBL due to high ex-
               pression of CD45 (100%), CD2 (96.6%), CD4 (97.3%), CD8 (90%), CD7 (77.1%), CD5 (76.0%), sCD3 (71.2%),
               CD1a (70.0%) and the lack of TdT, CD19, CD34 and CD38.

               Banding cytogenetic analyses were done in unstimulated bone marrow cells according to standard proce-
               dures  from the material taken at initial diagnoses. A total of 20 metaphases were available and analyzed on
               a banding resolution of 300 bands per haploid karyotype, revealing a normal female karyotype. Molecular
               diagnostic polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based tests for presence of gene fusions BCR/ABL (p190 and
               p210), TCF3/PBX1, MLL/AF4 and SIL/TAL1 were negative (results not shown).

               Also genomic DNA isolated from cells fixed in acetic acid-methanol (1:3) was subjected to array-comparative
               genomic hybridization (aCGH) as well as the multiplex ligation probe amplification (MLPA) studies, as pre-
               viously reported , Finally, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was done , revealing a highly complex
               karyotype [Figure 1 and Table 1] with gene-amplification due to episomes (abbreviated here as epi), which
               can be reported as:

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