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Page 6 of 14                         Gottlieb et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2018;4:37  I

               Table 3. Number of sequencing reads
                                T-44         T-102         T-106        T-112        T-121        T-125
                4A             37,704        68,001        33,819       15,660       20,289       59,399
                4B             2884          1317          3882         n/a          2862         6640
                5              4206          3765          4488         3705         4460         3763
                6              9612          2683          4198         3108         1434         2853
                7              19,248        7104          3729         1260         6188         2993
                8              3443          3836          4430         1569         1662         1795

               tered the data by retaining only the sequence between the fifth and one hundred and fiftieth bp. All variants
               in the data sets were then identified.

               The samples were analyzed by ultra-deep sequencing at a depth of up to 68,000 reads for each sample [Table 3].
               The analyses revealed 53 exonic mutations [Table 4]. These included 20 mutations in exon 4, 11 mutations in
               exon 5, 10 mutations in exon 6, 4 mutations in exon 7, and 8 mutations in exon 8. It was noted that a signifi-
               cant number of the mutations (18 out of 53) had previously been identified as either associated with andro-
               gen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) (11 mutations) or prostate cancer (7 mutations). Twenty-one mutations oc-
               curred in several of the tumor samples, with 4 of the mutations occurring in at least 4 of the tumor samples.
               The distribution of the mutations in each tumor was unique, resulting in a different set of AR variants being
               present in each of the tumors [Figure 1].

               Do CSGVs really exist?
               Before discussing the results, it seems reasonable to address the controversy with regards to whether intra-
               tissue genetic heterogeneity really exists, particularly as it has been identified not just within tumors, but
               within normal tissues as well [27,28] . Indeed, questions have been raised as to the possible role of methodologi-
               cal errors in generating genetic heterogeneity in both tumors  and tissues in general . To address these
               questions, it is important to discuss the sequence analysis tools used in our NGS protocols. In traditional
               sequencing approaches, coverage is based on genome mapping approaches, which use a theoretical redun-
               dancy in coverage based on the expression LN/G, where L is the read length, N is the number of reads and
               G is the haploid genome length . Unfortunately, many factors can result in unequal coverage that produces
               gaps or much lower coverage than expected . Further, problems such as the choice of alignment algorithms
               means that even the best mapping algorithms cannot align all reads to a reference genome . As the cost
               of sequencing has come down, so has the depth of sequencing increased, and this has had a profound effect
               on the sensitivity of sequencing and the ability to detect rare mutations accurately . Experimental data has
               confirmed that the major factors that influence detection sensitivity are read depth and experimental preci-
               sion . Indeed, it would appear possible to accurately detect mutations at a frequency of as low as 0.1%, pro-
               vided there is sufficient read depth . Somewhat surprisingly, the use of filters used to eliminate false reads
               etc. does not necessarily prevent low frequency mutations from being detected . Indeed, if used correctly
               they can in fact enhance the ability to detect low frequency mutations, and in cases of tumor genetic hetero-
               geneity, such an ability is likely to be extremely important . In the case of the present study we believe we
               have adopted a sufficiently precise sequencing technique that we can use a 0.1% cutoff value to identify the
               mutations present in our breast tumor samples.

               Importance of identifying changing frequencies of driver gene variants during carcinogenesis
               At present, identification of ITGH has solely been based on whether specific driver gene variants have been
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