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Calais da Silva et al.                                                                                                                                    Systemic humoral responses during BCG treatment

           INTRODUCTION                                       cytotoxic cells], and cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4
                                                              (CTLA4) expressed by activated/exhausted T cell; and
           Non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) has an   (5) molecules involved in stress homeostatic events
           increasing incidence and a high relapse rate, even   such as heme oxygenase 1 (HMOX-1).  The tight
           after transurethral resection of the bladder tumor   balance of such mediators is critical for the efficacy
           (TURBT), the initial standard treatment. Due to the   of BCG immunotherapy. Despite this knowledge, the
           frequent  need  for  follow-up  procedures,  NMIBC   precise immune mechanism involved in BCG therapy
           significantly reduces quality of life and is one of the   is  still  not  completely  clarified.  Assessing  immune
           most  expensive  malignancies  to  treat.  Post-TURBT   response is thus fundamental to an understanding of
           intravesical instillation of Bacille Calmette-Guérin   BCG-induced antitumor mechanism and its prognostic
           (BCG), the attenuate strain of Mycobacterium bovis, is   value.
           the recommended treatment for intermediate and high-
           risk NMIBC,  by preventing relapse and progression   Interestingly, in many bacterial infections, analysis
           of NMIBC -- stages Ta, T1 and carcinoma in situ. While   of  immunomodulators  detected  in  peripheral  blood
           partially successful, 30% to 50% of the patients do not   cells is extremely relevant to following a patient’s
           respond and experience relapse within the first year of   immune response.  Blood is the predominant sample
           BCG treatment. Of these patients, 15% develop tumor   substrate for systemic analysis, and it allows depiction
           progression and form distant metastases. [2]       of the overall inflammation burden that accompanies
           Despite  many  efforts, [3-5]   there are currently no
           biomarkers  that  can predict patient’s  prognosis and   Significant  changes  in  the  number  and  function  of
           that  discriminate those who will respond to  BCG   peripheral blood cells have been reported over the
           treatment from those who  would  be best served    course of  BCG  therapy, such as  the increase in
           by more aggressive therapy such as cystectomy      BCG-activated killer (BAK) cells.  Few attempts
           or, alternatively, radio- and chemotherapy. BCG    have been made to assess the relevance of the
           instillations  can cause side effects  ranging from   systemic cytokine profile in peripheral blood cells. [13,14]
           incommodious  cystitis  to  sepsis and even death of   However, the expression of cytokines and other BCG-
           patients in rare cases. This  fact  reinforces the  need   induced mediators that are systemically detected
           for selecting and accompanying patients who enroll in   over  the  course  of  BCG  instillation  has  never  been
           BCG immunotherapy.                                 properly addressed. In this work, we sought to profile
                                                              the expression of key molecules expressed by blood
           Treatment  with  BCG  was  first  used  empirically  by   cells of NMIBC patients during  BCG  treatment. We
           Morales in 1976.  Today, it is well assumed that the   analyzed  the  expression  of  cytokines  TNF-α;  IL-
           efficacy  of  BCG  is  based  on  a  massive,  complex,   10; IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6; chemokines
           and  ongoing  local  immune  activation.  Hence,  a   CCL2,  CCL3,  CCL8,  CXCL9  and  IP-10;  mediators
           healthy host  immune  system  is a prerequisite to   of  cytotoxic  response  CTLA4,  Fas-L,  Perf,  GNLY
           successful BCG therapy. [1,7,8]  Within  bladder tissue,   and NOS2A; and HMOX-1, which is involved in
           the leukocyte distribution before and after BCG    homeostatic events. We established predictive cut-off
           therapy is remarkably different, and the induction of   values and developed a predictive grouping system
           complex  inflammatory  cascade  events,  reflecting   that  allows  us  to  identify  the  most  likely  patients  to
           activation of multiple types of immune cells, is   relapse after BCG treatment.
           well known. [9,10]   The cascade of events results in
           secretion of an array of cytokines, chemokines, and   METHODS
           cytotoxicity mediators that can be detected in tissue
           and in urine. [7,11]   These are summarized in  Table 1.   Patients
           Examples  are  (1)  pro-inflammatory,  T  helper  type  1   From July 2005 until July 2007, 58 patients [mean age
           (Th1)  cytokines  such  as  interleukin  (IL)-1β,  IL-2,  IL-  of 67.8 years (range 45 to 82)] were assisted at the
           6,  tumor  necrosis  factor  (TNF)-α,  interferon  (IFN)-γ;   Hospital São José, Lisbon, Portugal and diagnosed
           (2) Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-10; (3) chemokines, as   with NMIBC. Patients were  BCG naïve and with
           CCL2, CCL8, CCL3, IFN-γ-inducible protein (IP-10),   high-risk  tumors  (T1  tumor,  G3**  [HG]  tumor),  CIS,
           CXCL9; (4) cytotoxicity mediators, such as nitric oxide   multiple and recurrent and large (> 3 cm) Ta, G1G2
           (NO) released by macrophages, and mediators of     tumors, and they  were treated with the same dose
           cytotoxic response such as perforin (Perf), granulysin   of BCG instillations (TICE  BCG) after TURBT. They
           (GNLY), and Fas ligand (Fas-L) pathway released    entered  this  study  after  informed  consent.  BCG
           by  cytolytic  lymphocytes  [natural  killer  (NK)  and  T   instillations were repeated once a week for 6 weeks
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ July 14, 2017          117
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