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Calais da Silva et al.                                                                                                                                    Systemic humoral responses during BCG treatment

           followed  by  three  weekly  instillations  at  month  3,  6,   (Ct) of the amplification curve of target gene and that of
           9, and 12. All the patients were followed for one year   endogenous controls. Reactions with a Ct value higher
           and the outcome variables were: tumor progression,   than 35 cycles were considered negligible and were
           relapse,  and  disease-specific  survival.  Patients  who   not considered further. Efficiency of the amplification
           showed no relapses within a year after the beginning   reaction for each primer-probe was above 95% (as
           of treatment were named “BCG responders” [40       determined by manufacturer).
           patients (3 women/37 men, mean age of 68, 3 years)].
           Those patients who manifested relapses within that   Statistical analysis
           year were named “BCG-relapsing” [18 patients (1    The Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare ratios
           woman/17 men,  mean age of 67.5 years)]. In each   in patients with and without recurrence. Fisher’s
           case, four samples were collected before and after the   exact test was used to identify the factors that were
           first instillation and the week 6 instillation. The study   significant  in  the  univariate  analysis.  Multivariate
           has been approved by the ethical  committee of the   logistic  regression  was  used  to  identify  the  two
           Hospital.                                          factors that were retained in the multivariate analysis.
                                                              A significance level of P = 0.05 was used to identify
           Isolation of RNA and real-time PCR                 possible factors for predicting response to BCG
           Blood specimens (2.5 mL) were collected in PAXgene™   therapy in the univariate analyses. No correction was
           tubes (Qiagen, Manchester, UK), incubated at room   made for multiple endpoints or testing.
           temperature for 4 h for RNA stabilization and then
           stored  at  -80  °C.  RNA  was  extracted  from  whole   RESULTS
           blood using  PAXgene™ Blood RNA  System  Kit
           (Qiagen), following manufacturer’s instructions, and   BCG  treatment  induces  significant  systemic
           further purification of RNA was done with on-column   fast changes
           DNase digestion. RNA concentrations and A 260 -to-A    To assess whether BCG treatment induced significant
           ratios were measured in a spectrophotometer, and   changes in the expression of specific cytokines and
           only samples with  A 260 /A 280  ratios between 1.9 and   molecular effectors in peripheral blood cells, we
           2.1 were further considered. 1 µg of total RNA was   analyzed its expression in blood samples from patients
           reverse transcribed with random primers, using High   during  BCG  therapy.  The  selected cytokines  and
           Capacity cDNA  Archive Kit (Applied Biosystems,    molecular effectors depicted in Table 1 represent the
           Foster City, CA).                                  reported complex events known to locally accompany
                                                              BCG treatment, i.e. to occur in the bladder. Blood
           Real  time  PCR  gene  quantification  analysis  was   samples  were  collected  before  and  24  h  after  BCG
           performed  as  described, [7,15]   using  Taqman  assays   treatment to assess fast changes. To assess prolonged
           from  Applied Biosystems: Hs00234140_m1 (CCL2),    changes, samples were collected at the first instillation
           Hs00234142_m1 (CCL3), Hs00271615_m1 (CCL8),        (week 1) and at week 6 of BCG treatment. Significant
           Hs00171065_m1 (CXCL9), Hs00171042_m1 (IP-10),      levels of mRNA were obtained from all blood samples.
           Hs00175480_m1 (CTLA4), Hs00181225_m1 (Fas-L),      Before BCG treatment (pre-BCG stage), the lowest
           Hs01110250_m1      (HMOX-1),     Hs00167257_m1     expression levels were observed for  IL-4 (0.024‰
           (NOS2A), Hs00169473_m1 (Perf), Hs00246266_m1       mRNA) and maximum for  GNLY (252.38‰  mRNA)
           (GNLY), Hs00174128_m1(TNF-α); Hs00174086 _m1       [Figure  1].  During  BCG  treatment,  we  observed
           (IL-10); Hs00174143_m1 (IFN-γ), Hs00174097_m1      significant fast changes (24 h after the first treatment
           (IL-1β), Hs00174114_m1 (IL-2), Hs00174122_m1 (IL-  or after the instillation performed at 6th week) in IL-
           4), Hs00174131_m1 (IL-6), and 4352935E (β-actin).   1β,  TNF-α,  IL-10,  GNLY,  and  Perf  [Figure  2].  No
           Each reaction was performed in duplicate. All genes,   significant  prolonged  changes,  i.e.  during  treatment,
           including endogenous controls, were always analyzed   were observed [Figure 2]. In fact, 24 h after the first
           in the same run to exclude between-run variations. The   BCG instillation, significant expression changes were
           number of PCR cycles needed to reach fluorescence   observed. IL-1β mRNA increased from 12.94‰ before
           threshold  in  each  sample  was  defined  as  the  cycle   treatment to 16.48‰ after treatment (P = 0.033),
           threshold (Ct). The mRNA expression was normalized   TNF-α mRNA increased from 3.70‰ to 4.23‰ (P =
           using β-actin gene expression as a reference according   0.002), and  IL-10 mRNA increased from 0.17‰ to
           to our previous observations.  Relative mRNA levels   0.24‰ (P = 0.026) [Figure 2]. At week 6, changes were
           were  calculated  using  formula  2 -∆Ct   ×  1,000  which   still observed and were sometimes more pronounced
           infers the number of mRNA molecules of the gene of   [Figure 2]. In fact, IL-1β mRNA increased from 11.46‰
           interest per 1000 molecules of endogenous control.   to 20.76‰ (P = 0.0001), TNF-α mRNA increased from
           ∆Ct stands for the difference between cycle threshold   3.12‰ to 4.57‰ (P = 0.0045), and  IL-10 increased
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ July 14, 2017          119
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