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Yagawa et al.                                                                                                                                                                          Cancer immunity and hyperthermia

           treatment.  IFN-γ  and  IL-2  levels  in  each  supernatant   presentation in DCs by delivering chaperoned antigenic
           were measured in response to monoclonal antibody   peptides to MHC class I molecules, thereby inducing
           against CD3 and CD28. The results showed significant   antigen-specific  T-cell  activation [48-50] . It was reported
           increases  in  the  production  of  both  IFN-γ  and  IL-2;   that the presence of recombinant Hsp60 allows antigen-
           these were observed not only immediately after but   dependent T-cell activation with antigen-specific IFN-γ
           also 24 h after whole body hyperthermia. At 48 h after   secretion in conditions when even stimulation is not
           whole body hyperthermia, the production levels of   sufficient to activate T-cells [51] .
           both cytokines had returned to the pretreatment levels
           [Figure 3].                                        In contrast, Hsp70 is also expressed in cancers and acts
                                                              as an effective inhibitor of apoptosis caused by heat
           The potential mechanisms that stimulate cytokine   stress, thereby participating in tumor progression [52] .
           production after hyperthermia may be explained by   Hsp70 can prevent aggregation, remodel folding
           an increase in the membrane fluidity of T-cells. It was   pathways,  and  regulate  activity  of  cancer  cells [53] .
           reported that physiological heat stress enhanced the   However, the effects of HSPs on DCs and T-cells are
           membrane fluidity of T-cells. It also showed an increase   still contradictory [54] . Thus, the function of HSPs must
           in the cluster formation of the GM1  CD-microdomain   continue to be investigated in order to clarify whether
           in CD8   T-cells,  clustering  TCRβ  and  the  CD8  co-  and how HSPs are involved in antigen presentation
           receptor, and enhanced conjugate formation between   between T-cells and DCs during heat stress.
           T-cells and APCs in mice [43] . These results suggest that
           a  heat-stress-induced  increase  in  membrane  fluidity   NK cells can behave as a spearhead of the innate
           is one of the primary events, and it subsequently   immune response toward exogenous antigens and
           triggers a cascade of molecular events that eventually   can make an initial attack against targets without prior
           make T cells crosstalk more rapidly and efficiently with   exposure  to  the  specific  antigens.  Basically,  normal
           APCs.  These  cellular  events,  including  the  formation   cells express MHC class I molecules, whereas aberrant
           of  TCR microclusters, consist of several adhesion   cells such  as cancer cells  extinguish the expression
           and signaling molecules [44] , which accumulate at the   of MHC class I molecules on themselves [55] . This
           immune synapse [45] . This is also known as the central   phenomenon was especially observed in pancreatic [56] ,
           supramolecular activation complex [46] .           cervical [57] , breast [58] , prostatic [59] , and penile cancer [60] .
                                                              Down-regulation of MHC class I molecules on cancer
           Heat-shock proteins (HSPs) have been considered to   cells is  one of the steps for immune  escape from
           play an important role in the effects of heat treatment   cancer-specific immune response by T-cells, because
           on T-cell function. Indeed, the synthesis of HSPs was   abnormal antigens must be presented with MHC
           shown to increase with elevated body temperature in   class  I  molecules  when  T-cells  recognize  them.  In
           fever-range whole-body hyperthermia [47] . The essential   contrast to T-cells, NK cells target cells that have lost
           function of HSPs is known to involve their actions   the  expression  of  MHC  class  I  molecules,  because
           as molecular chaperones.  As part of this function,   NK cells express inhibitory receptors that engage with
           HSPs are involved in antigen presentation and cross-  MHC class I antigens. Hence, the anticancer ability of

                    2.5                           IFN-g           2.5                              IL-2
                Fold increase in IFN-g   production  2.0       Fold increase in IL-2   production 2.0


                    0.5                                           1.0
                             Pre       Post      24 h     48 h                                       Pre       Post      24 h     48 h
           Figure 3: Whole-body hyperthermia stimulates IFN-g and IL-2 production from T-cells. Blood was obtained from donors before (Pre),
           immediately after (Post), 24 h after (24 h), and 48 h after (48 h) whole-body hyperthermia. PBMCs from each time point were extracted and
           co-cultured with monoclonal antibodies against CD3 and CD28 to measure IFN-g and IL-2 production levels in each supernatant. Results
           are shown as fold over the control (Pre) for the average of five separate donors, and expressed as mean ± SEM. Statistical differences
           from control was evaluated using paired t-test. P < 0.05 was recognized statistically significant . IFN: interferon; IL: interleukin; PBMCs:
           peripheral blood mononuclear cells
            222                                                                Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58