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Terai et al.                                                                                                                                                                    The liver and metastatic uveal melanoma

           the liver are still highly speculative. It is assumed that   Chromosomal and genetic abnormalities
           multiple factors contribute to development of metastasis   UM has unique genetic abnormality profiles compared
           and  growth  of  UM  cells  in  the  liver.  The  proposed   to  cutaneous  melanoma  (CM).  Mutation  of  BRCA1-
           mechanisms are summarized as follows.              associated protein 1 (BAP1), located on chromosome
                                                              3p21, was frequently identified in metastatic UM [19-21] .
           Slow hepatic blood circulation                     Particularly, it was reported that BAP1 mutation in UM
           The  liver  sinusoids  are  located  at  a  confluence  of   cells may cause the liver tropism [22] . However, this
           arterial (hepatic artery) and venous (portal vein)   might  be  an  over-simplified  explanation  for  the  liver
           blood, mixing the oxygen-rich blood from the hepatic   tropism as a certain fraction of metastatic UM retained
           artery and the nutrient-rich blood from the portal vein.   their BAP1 expression and monosomy 3 is not always
           They are a type of capillary-like blood vessels with   seen  in  hepatic metastasis. Polysomy 8q is  rather
           fenestrated,  discontinuous  endothelium.  Slow  flow   a  common  feature  of  metastatic  UM,  and  the  role  of
           in the liver sinusoids maximizes the contact between   this chromosomal abnormality on hepatic metastasis
           hepatic cells and pathogenic molecules to filter them   should be further explored [23,24] .
           prior to circulation.  The slow and tortuous sinusoidal
           blood flow can trap UM cells in the liver [13,14] .  The expression of adhesion molecules in the
           Interaction between chemo-attractants and          Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) is
           their receptors                                    expressed on sinusoidal endothelial cells and might
           The chemokines produced in the liver might attract UM   trap  tumor  cells  in  slow  blood  flow [13,25] .  VCAM-1  is
           cells to the liver and interact with chemokine receptors   expressed  on  endothelial  cells  under  inflammatory
           on their surface. A typical example is the interaction   conditions, and mediate rolling and adhesion of various
           between  CXCR4  and  its  ligand  CXCL12  that  is  rich   subsets of leukocytes as well as tumor cells for the
           in the liver [15] . Primary UM cell lines express CXCR4.   recruitment and settlement of these cells from the blood
           Blockage  of  CXCR4  on  UM  significantly  reduced   stream. In animal models, partial-hepatectomy induced
           migration to human liver extract [16] . An  alternative   expression  of  inflammatory  cytokines  such  as  tumor
           explanation for chemokine-related liver tropism is the   necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-6 as
           loss of chemokine receptors in the liver. It has been   well as the expression of VCAM-1 and facilitated liver
           reported that extracts from the liver down-regulated   metastasis [26] . Endothelial cell expression of VCAM-1
           the expression of CXCR4 and CCR7 on primary UM     showed adhesion of human malignant melanoma cells
           cell lines [16] . Retention of UM cells in the liver may not   that expressed very late activation antigen-4 (VLA-4)
           solely be related to a chemokine gradient toward the   on their surface [27] .
           liver, but could also be related to the loss of chemokine
           receptors once melanoma cells reach the liver.     Angiogenesis factors rich in the liver
                                                              IL-8 and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) are
           Another example is c-Met, a receptor for hepatocyte   rich in the liver and could promote the angiogenesis of
           growth factor (HGF). c-Met-expressing UM cells     tumor in the liver microenvironment [28] . Hepatic stellate
           interact  with HGF  produced  in  the liver [14] . Primary   cells (HSCs) in the tumor stroma predominantly produce
           UM cells that metastasized had higher levels of c-Met   IL-8,  and  neutralizing  IL-8  with  antibody  dramatically
           expression than tumors that did not metastasize. The   reduces angiogenic effects [28] . IL-8 also induces the
           expression of c-Met in the primary UM specimens    expression of VEGFR2 and VEGF on endothelial cells
           significantly  increased  the  risk of subsequent liver   through NFkB activation, and mediates autocrine and
           metastasis [14] .                                  paracrine stimulation of vascular endothelium.
           Growth factors rich in the liver                   Immuno-modulatory microenvironment
           The insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) plays a major   As stated in the following section, the liver is considered
           role in tumor transformation, maintenance of malignant   to be an immuno-modulatory organ   and this
           phenotype, promotion of cell growth, and prevention   immunologically complex microenvironment could
           of  apoptosis.  It  is  mainly  produced  in  the  liver.  High   promote tumor metastasis and growth in the liver.
           expression  of  IGF-1  receptor  (IGF-1R)  has  been
           detected in UM hepatic metastasis specimens   [17] .   IMMUNOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE LIVER
           The association between the expression of IGF-1R   IMMUNE MICROENVIRONMENT
           on tumors and the progression of UM also has been
           reported [18] .  Additionally,  HGF  could facilitate the   The  liver  has  acomplex  immune  microenvironment.
           growth of c-Met-expressing UM cells in the liver.  It is continually exposed to foreign pathogens such

                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 31, 2017       233
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