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Murray                                                                                                                                                                                        Primary circulating prostate cells

           Circulating tumor cells are larger than circulating blood   enrichment methods. [72]
           cells;  filtration  methods  are  based  on  the  physical
           properties of these cells and allow  enrichment by   Negative enrichment methods that deplete normal
           size.  Isolation  of  circulating  tumor  cells  was  first   blood cells using the pan-leukocyte antigen CD45 after
           reported in 1964.  The  filters  use  pores  measuring   red cell lysis have also been used. [73]
           between 7.5-8.0 µm in diameter,  thus capturing 85-
           100% of circulating tumor cells while retaining only   Detection of circulating tumor cells
           0.1% of circulating blood cells.  Three commercially   For the detection  of enriched  circulating  tumor cells,
           available filters are available: Screencell Cyto, ISET ,   two methods have been used: immunocytochemistry
           and Metacell .  After  filtration  the  filter  membrane  is   and reverse transcriptase-polymerase  chain reaction
           removed  and  circulating  tumor  cells  are  identified   (RT-PCR).
           by immunocytochemistry.  Isolation of  tumor cells by
           size is fast, simple, and reliable and does not require   Immunocytochemistry
           high-cost instrumentation. One drawback, though, is   The advantage of methods using immunocytochemistry
           the  need to  process samples within four  hours. The   is  the  morphological analysis  of  the  detected cells.
           system does not detect the rare cells that are smaller   The International Society of  Hematotherapy and
           than 8 µm; however, it will detect tumor cell clusters.   Graft Engineering  criteria  for circulating  tumor cell
           The ISET  system detects one tumor cell in 1 mL of   identification are an object with the appearance of cell
           peripheral blood and permits the evaluation of tumor   with a nucleus.  Most methods  use a combination  of
           cells based on morphological criteria. False positivity   markers; the CellSearch  system defines a circulating
           occurs due to the lack of specificity of the enrichment   tumor cell as  one positive for  cytokeratin, negative
           technique. Normal epithelial or endothelial cells may   for the pan-leukocyte antigen CD45, and expressing
           be present due to coring by the sampling needle, and   DAPI  (4´,  6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)  nuclear
                                                              staining. The ISET  and Metacell  systems use anti-
           circulating cells have been described in samples taken   cytokeratin staining, while the CTC membrane micro-
           from patients with benign conditions. [67,68]
                                                              filter,  Rosettesep   and Nanovelcro  CTC Chip ,  use
                                                              immunofluorescence  with  a  cocktail  of  anti-EpCAM,
           Immunomagnetic selection methods use the specificity   anti-cytokeratin, and CD45.  All these methods in
           of antibody-antigen  interactions combined  with the   essence detect circulating epithelial cells and are not
           physical  properties of magnetic beads to separate   tissue specific. Using basic cell density methods, some
           tumor cells from blood cells due to the different   authors have attempted to use more specific markers
           expression of  surface antigens in the differing cell   to detect circulating tumor cells, anti-PSA for prostate
           populations.  This is the basis of enrichment in the   cancer,  anti-mammoglobin for breast cancer.
           CellSearch  system, the only FDA-approved method   As such, these methods are not able to differentiate
           of detecting circulating tumor cells. In the CellSearch    between benign and malignant circulating “epithelial”
           system, iron particles are coated with the epithelial cell   cells. In patients with benign colonic diseases, up to 29%
           surface  marker EpCAM, an  epithelial  marker  that is   of patients were positive for the Epispot  assay, and up
           overexpressed in some cancers but not in normal blood   to 19% of patients were positive for the CellSearch
           cells.  However,  EpCAM positive cells have been   assay.   One  group has used the  combination anti-
           reported in patients with benign colon disease,  and   PSA and anti-P504S to address this problem.  The
           in the original report of Allard et al.,  women without   expression  of P504S has been used to differentiate
           evidence of breast cancer had “circulating tumor cells”   between  benign and  malignant  prostate tissues in
           detected in between 5 and 7% of cases, 1 cell/7.5 mL   biopsy samples. P504S is expressed in prostate cancer
           blood sample. In addition, the epithelial  phenotype   cells  and  those of prostate intra-epithelial  neoplasia,
           of circulating tumor cells changes, as a result of the   but not in benign  prostatic tissue. [77,78]  The  authors
           epithelial to mesenchyme transition the expression of   report that PSA positive cells can be detected in men
           EpCAM decreases and thus there may be failure  of   with benign  prostatic disease, especially  prostatitis,
           enrichment and as a result circulating tumor cells are   but these cells are P504S negative, whereas  men
           not detected. This applies  also to microchip devices   with prostate cancer had PSA positive cells which also
           that incorporate microposts labeled with anti-EpCAM   expressed P504S. [79]
           (CTC Chip), using EpCAM coated beads (Dynabeads
           Epithelial enriched)(MACS/auto  MACS )(AdnaTest )   In reference to circulating cell clusters, the identification
           or using microvortices  in a herringbone  pattern to   of CTC clusters (defined as ≥ 2 CTCs) has been related
           increase  the number  of interactions  between  the   o poor outcome in stage III-IV breast cancer using the
           EpCAM-coated chip surface  and circulating tumor   CellSearch system,  whereas Paoletti et al.  defined
           cells.  The same can be said for cytokeratin-based   CTC clusters as ≥ 3 CTCs in the CellSearch gallery
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016      457
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