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Murray                                                                                                                                                                                        Primary circulating prostate cells

           cancer cells will determine their ability to disseminate   with established performance characteristics for
           into  the  circulation  and  may  not  reflect  the  general   which  there  is  scientific  evidence  that  elucidates
           characteristics of the primary tumor due to the    the  clinical  significance  of  the  results  obtained.  The
           heterogeneous nature of individual cancer cells within   stability, accuracy, and reproducibility of the assay
           the general tumor cell population.                 are  fundamental.  Pre-analytical,  analytical,  and  post-
                                                              analytical variables all have to be controlled during the
           In order to implant in distant sites CPCs must survive   assay process.  Parkinson  et  al.   have  extensively
           in the circulation. Only a few of the millions of tumor   reviewed this topic as have Panteleakou  et al.
           cells that are shed into the circulation are able to reach   Pre-analytical factors include the type of collection
           a distant site, implant,  survive, evade  the immune   tube (including anticoagulant, storage, and transport
           system, and eventually form a metastasis. It has been   conditions of the analytical variables), the type
           suggested  that only 0.01% of circulating  tumor cells   of  enrichment and enumeration  methods used,
           can produce a  single bony metastasis. [51,52]   CPCs   the  sensitivity  and  specificity  of  the  assay,  the
           obtained  from men with castrate-resistant prostate   reproducibility of the assay between laboratories,
           cancer failed to produce metastasis when implanted in   and assay-specific controls. Other factors include the
           immune-compromised mice. [53]                      disease characteristics, how often the target cells are
                                                              detectable in the study population or in other diseases
           Firstly, circulating tumor cells have to resist anchorage   or normal people, the positive and negative predictive
           dependent cell death; over-expression of anti-apoptotic   values, and establishing cutoff values for a positive or
           proteins such as Bcl-2 overexpression  or activation   negative test.
           of  specific  pathways  such  as  tropomyosin-related
           kinase B (TrkB)  have been reported. Secondly, they   Enrichment of circulating  tumor cells from
           have to evade the host’s immune systems. Circulating   blood
           tumor cells from patients with colorectal cancer CD47   Methods for circulating tumor cell enrichment fall into
           expression were increased. This marker is considered   three basic categories: density gradient centrifugation,
           to be an anti-phagocytic signal expressed on cancer   cell filtration based on size or microfluidics, and immune-
           cells to  prevent  macrophages  and dendritic cells   magnetic isolation, often anti-EpCAM antibodies; or a
           from  attacking  them.  The counterpart of  this anti-  combination of methods.
           phagocytotic mechanism, the expression  of pro-
           phagocytic calreticulin, was significantly decreased. [56]  Density gradient centrifugation is a simple, fast,
                                                              and cheap process,  separating cells based on their
           Circulating tumor cells escape immune surveillance   differing  densities. Circulating tumor cells  separate
           by shielding themselves from the immune cell       with the mononuclear blood cells (density < 1.077 g/mL),
           population. It has been proposed that myeloid-derived   forming an opaque layer which can be removed and
           suppressor cells facilitate the survival of cancer cells   further analyzed. Red blood  cells and granulocytes
           by creating a defensive shield. These myeloid-derived   (density > 1.077 g/mL), being denser, settle towards
           suppressors adhere to some of the circulating cancer   the bottom of the tube. The method has poor sensitivity,
           cells, conferring a survival advantage. [57]  Circulating   as tumor cells may be lost when cells sediment to the
           tumors cells are rapidly coated by platelets. This may   granulocyte layer, or, if present as cell clusters, when
           cause  transfer  of  major  histocompatibility  complex   they aggregate to the bottom of the tube. This may be
           (MHC)  class I  antigens  on  the  tumor  cell  surface   important because circulating tumor cell clusters have
           resulting in a high level of platelet-derived normal   been  reported in patients with metastatic prostate
           MHC  class  I.  This  coating  of  phenotypic  normality   cancer   and have been correlated with a  worse
           disrupts the normal recognition of tumor cells by   outcome in breast cancer. [62]
           natural killer cells and T cell mediated immunity, thus
           permitting tumor cell survival. [58]               Furthermore, if the centrifugation  is performed
                                                              immediately,  whole blood may  be mixed with the
           METHODS TO DETECT AND CHARACTERIZE                 gradient solution, causing contamination.  The
           CIRCULATING TUMOR CELLS                            OncoQuick  system uses a porous barrier to prevent
                                                              such contamination.  It  has been reported that this
           All  methods  of  detecting  circulating  tumor  cells   system improves  the depletion  of mononuclear  cells
           are  based  first  on  enrichment  of  circulating  tumor   resulting  in higher relative tumor cell enrichment  as
           cells from venous blood and then on detection.     compared  with standard  gel separation.  However,
           The  Food  and  Drug Administration  (FDA)  defines  a   using  cell-spiked blood  samples  there was a similar
           validated  biomarker  assay  as  a  system  of  analysis   tumor cell recovery rate of between 70% and 90%. [63,64]
            456                                                             Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016
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