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Murray                                                                                                                                                                                        Primary circulating prostate cells

           bone, over a variable time period.                 avoiding unnecessary biopsies is a worthwhile aim if it
                                                              does not prejudice the number of clinically significant
           Two large  questions  have  yet to be answered:  (1)   cancers detected.
           what is the role of prostate cancer  screening?  (2)
           what treatment is appropriate for men diagnosed with   Active surveillance is a recognized  initial  treatment
           prostate cancer? An ideal prostate cancer screening   option for  men with early stage low-grade prostate
           test  would not detect all prostate cancers, but only   cancer.  The  option  to  delay  or  avoid  definitive
           those prostate cancers  which  have  the potential  to   therapy avoids or minimizes patient morbidity without
           cause harm to the patient. At present, the only widely   compromising  long-term outcomes in appropriately
           used  screening  test  is  serum  total  prostate-specific   selected patients. [10,11]  According to the Prostate Cancer
           antigen  (PSA), which  in a range  of 4-10  ng/mL is   Intervention Versus Observation Trial,  men with low
           associated with a positive biopsy rate for all cancers   risk disease (defined as a PSA ≤ 10 ng/mL, a Gleason
           of approximately 30%.  of which it has been estimated   score  ≤ 6, and  T stage 1 or 2a) had no difference
           that 23-42% of screen detected prostate cancers are   in  all-cause  mortality  and  prostate  cancer-specific
           over treated.  Men with clinically insignificant prostate   mortality, or in rate of progression to bony metastasis,
           cancers who were never destined to have symptoms   when  assigned to radical  prostatectomy or to active
           or altered life expectancy may not benefit from knowing   observation.  The criteria for active observation (AO)
           that they have the “disease.” The detection of clinically   according to Epstein et al.  are a diagnosis of prostate
           insignificant  prostate  cancer  may  be  considered  an   cancer, with three or fewer of the 12 prostate biopsy
           adverse effect of the prostate biopsy.             cores positive for cancer. That no single biopsy core
                                                              with > 50% infiltration and a PSA density < 0.15 ng/mL.
           Screening  for prostate cancer remains  controversial.   Using these criteria to select patients with “insignificant
           The two large studies published in the United States   disease”  has a positive  predictive  value  of 95% and
           and Europe produced different  results; [3,4]   as a   a  negative predictive value of  66%.  These  men
           consequence,  the American  Urology Association    are actively followed up with repeat annual biopsies.
           guidelines  do not recommend  screening  in men    The timing of intervention after the initial diagnosis is
           over 70  years  or  in those with  less than 10 years’   based  on variables  such  as PSA kinetics,  Gleason
           life expectancy.   However,  they  recognize  that   grade progression, patient preference, and clinical
           some elderly men who are healthy may benefit from   or radiologic evidence  of disease progression. [10,15]
           screening.  Why the controversy? Presently, a new   An increase in the Gleason score at repeat biopsy is
           diagnosis of prostate cancer is nearly always in men   predictive of the time to active treatment and correlates
           with an elevated screening serum total PSA who have   with patient outcome.   It  has  been reported that
           been referred for a prostate biopsy. Serum total PSA   Gleason score progression  occurs in approximately
           is  prostate  specific.  However,  it  is  also  increased  in   20% of men, with more than 50% of cases occurring
           benign diseases such as hyperplasia and prostatitis. [4,5]    within two years of the initial diagnosis.  However, a
           In fact, 10-20% of men aged 50 years and 70 years   similar increase is seen in men subjected to immediate
           will have a raised PSA, but only 25% of those with a   repeat biopsy when entering an AO program.  This
           serum total PSA of 4-10 ng/mL will be found to have a   short time interval, when compared with the long natural
           biopsy positive for cancer.  Moreover, the frequency   history of prostate cancer, suggests that sampling error
           of men with an elevated PSA and benign  biopsy is   rather than tumor progression is probably the primary
           country dependent  and may be significantly different   source of tumor upgrading in these men.
           between rural  and metropolitan populations  in the
           same country. [8]                                  The use of  other biomarkers, such as circulating
                                                              prostate cells (CPCs), could be useful in re-categorizing
           To complicate matters further, not all prostate cancers   the patients who could  be more adequately  treated
           need treatment. It has been estimated that 23-42% of   by active surveillance.  One such biomarker  could
           screen-detected prostate cancers are over treated.    be circulating tumor cells, or, in the case of prostate
           For  every 100 men with an elevated PSA  between   cancer, CPCs. We review the literature on circulating
           4 ng/mL  and 10 ng/mL,  only about 14 will have a   tumor cells both to try to answer the question of whether
           clinically significant prostate cancer detected. Eighty-  they could be clinically useful to detect prostate cancer
           six will undergo a biopsy, with its associated risks, for   and  as a guide to initial  treatment, observation,  or
           what is found to  be a benign disease. Infection and   active treatment. We review the process of cancer cell
           hemorrhage  are the main  potentially  serious  side   dissemination  from the primary tumor and how this
           effects of prostate biopsy, with a 30-day complication   may affect cell markers, and thus determine the criteria
           rate of 3.7%, especially in older patients.  Therefore,   for  detecting or identifying circulating tumor cells.
            454                                                             Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016
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