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Murray                                                                                                                                                                                        Primary circulating prostate cells

           Methods of enrichment and detection of these cells are   such  as E-cadherin [25-27]  and  beta-catenin [25,27]  and  a
           considered in how the method may affect what is being   loss of cytokeratins 8, 18, and 19, which increases
           detected or not. Finally, we consider the clinical utility of   tumor cell  plasticity. [28,29]   These changes  occur in a
           these tests and how in day-to-day clinical practice they   coordinated  fashion; they are higher in higher grade
           may help  in decisions  to proceed  to prostate biopsy   and less differentiated tumors.   There is increased
           and treatment decisions of detected cancer.        expression of  matrix  metalloproteinases; these zinc-
                                                              containing  endopeptidasesare  activated in situ from
           A search for articles between the years 2000 and 2016,   their latent form and degrade the extracellular matrix.
           evaluating the detection of circulating tumor cells and   As such, they permit the cancers to disseminate  to
           CPCs was carried out using PubMed, Web of Science,   the circulation, implant, and form metastases. [29,30]
           and  Cochrane Library. Case  reports, review  articles,   Increased expression of  metalloproteinase-2  (MMP-
           non human models, and series involving fewer than 10   2) has been demonstrated [31-33]  and is associated with
           patients were excluded.                            increasing Gleason score, pathological stage, and as
                                                              a prognostic factor. [33,34]  Primary CPCs detected before
           THE DISSEMINATION OF CANCER CELLS                  prostate biopsy express MMP-2, whereas one hour
           FROM THE PRIMARY TUMOR                             post-biopsy there are a mixture of MMP-2 positive and
                                                              negative CPCs, inferring that  MMP-2 is important in
           The metastatic process by which tumor cells leave   CPC dissemination from the primary tumor. [35]
           the primary tumor and implant, survive, and growth
           in distant  sites  is  multistage and complex. Several   Epithelial  to  mesenchymal transition plays an
           steps  are needed for  the  cancer cells to  escape   important role in cancer dissemination.  There is a
                                                              change in the phenotypic expression of epithelial and
           from the primary  tumor and intra-vasation,  towards   mesenchymal markers, with increased expression of
           extravagation  and successful implantation  in distant   mesenchymal markers such as vimentin, N-cadherin,
           tissues. With the advent of prostate cancer screening   or O-cadherin. [36,37]  These patterns of expression are
           and the use of total serum PSA, there has been a shift   heterogeneous with a global decrease in epithelial cell
           towards a diagnosis of localized cancers.  However,   marker expression.  However, CPCs that express
           despite being  considered  as localized  by currently   only mesenchymal markers be may  easily able to
           accepted staging methods, approximately 20-30% of   escape  from the primary  tumor, but for the same
           patients suffer primary treatment failure,  suggesting   reason  they have limited  ability  to implant  in distant
           that cancer cells have disseminated prior to treatment.   tissues. [39-42]  Intermediate states have been reported,
           Using polymerase chain reaction amplification of PSA   with circulating tumor cells expressing both epithelial
           mRNA, it has been reported that prostate cancer cells   and mesenchymal  markers.  This increased  state of
           disseminate  early in the metastatic process into the   cell plasticity may be advantageoust0 implantation at
           circulation.   These  have  been  defined  as  primary   distant sites and the future formation of metastasis.
           circulating tumor cells, those detected before initial   This plasticity is the hallmark of cancer stem cells, [43-47]
           curative therapy.                                  and CPCs from prostate cancer patients have been
                                                              reported  to express CD133   or ALDH1  both
           Tumor cells may enter the circulation actively or   markers of cell stem-ness.
           passively;   passive  entry  into  the  circulation  is  a
           result  of  vessel  leakage  by  the  growing  tumor  and   One important epithelial marker that has relevance in
           external forces such as surgical manipulation at the   the detection of CPCs is the epithelial  cell adhesion
           time of biopsy;  in these cases the circulating tumor   molecule  (EpCAM) (CD326).  This is a 40 kD
           cells do not require specific phenotypic characteristics.   glycoprotein that was originally identified as a marker
           Active  entry  of  tumor  cells  requires  specific  abilities   for  carcinoma,  with an increased expression being
           which permit the cell to detach from the surrounding   identified in rapidly proliferating epithelial tumors.
           cells, survive free of them, and migrate towards blood
           vessels where they cross the capillary endothelium,   EpCAM was initially thought to be important in cellular
           enter the circulation, and disseminate. Thus, primary   adhesion. However, more recent reports indicate that
           CPCs consist of a heterogeneous population ranging   it  plays  a role  in cell to  cell signaling,  in migration
           from  metastatic  initiating  cells  with  specific  cell   and proliferation of cancer cells, and possibly  in the
           properties  to non-aggressive cells without any    prevention of cell-cell adhesion. In normal cells there
           specific survival ability.                         is a variable expression of EpCAM, but it is reported to
                                                              be lower than that found in primary tumors. [50]
           In order to escape from the primary tumor, cancer cells
           exhibit  a decreased  expression  in anchor  proteins   Thus,  the  specific  phenotypic  characteristics  of
                           Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment ¦ Volume 2 ¦ December 16, 2016      455
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