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Page 330                          Lei et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(4):313­32  I

               Table 2. Comparison of minimum path length, average path length, and standard deviation (STD) of path length with other models. The
               values are reported for 30 executions
                         Test data set   Model       Min length (m)  Average length(m)  Length STD (m)
                                          GA         9.47e+03          9.98e+03      4.46e+03
                                          PSO        9.07e+03          9.25e+03      2.38e+03
                         Bays29           SOM        1.01E+04          1.28E+04      7.59E+03
                                          ICA        1.09E+04          1.22E+04      9.87E+03
                                      Proposed model  9.07e+03         9.07e+03      0
                                          GA         2.39e+05          2.57e+05      1.15e+04
                                          PSO        1.09e+05          1.17e+05      5.50e+03
                         KroA200          SOM        2.13E+05          2.60E+05      2.19E+04
                                          ICA        2.12E+05          2.60E+05      6.67E+03
                                      Proposed model  1.06e+05         1.06e+05      0
                                          GA         1.37e+05          1.93e+05      6.30e+04
                                          PSO        1.11e+05          1.14e+05      1.60e+03
                         PA561            SOM        1.01E+05          1.21E+05      1.84E+04
                                          ICA        1.48E+05          1.51E+05      2.43E+03
                                      Proposed model  1.03e+05         1.03e+05      0

               12–14 s for the upper grid and 19–21 s for the lower grid. In a broiler barn, the cases shown in Figure 12A
               took up the most proportion (420 grids), within which most contained no dead broilers, and the average robot
               running time was 20–28 s in a single grid. Therefore, our proposed methods have a reasonable running time
               in commercial-scale poultry barns, and they would be beneficial for rapidly detecting and collecting broiler
               mortality. Simulation and comparison studies demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed
               real-time robot safety-aware navigation.

               5. CONCLUSION
               A robotic system for detecting and collecting dead broilers in a barn is a promising direction for solving the
               issueofbroilermortalityremoval. Aimingatthisvision, wedevelopedaninformativeplanningprotocol-based
               multi-layer robot navigation system through detection and removal robots. The detection robot consists of
               DCPP for constructing the overall trajectory; IPP for detailing the trajectory based on historical data, DCPP
               direction, and obstacles; and a YOLO V4 dead bird detector for providing the precise locations of broiler
               mortality along the trajectory. The removal robot receives the mortality location information and plans an
               optimal ordered route by the HMTR scheme. The comparison and simulation results demonstrate the great
               potential of the proposed methods for robot navigation, being useful tools for supporting precision broiler

               There are also many possible avenues for future work. A challenging extension is that we will integrate our
               platform for effective control. Another interesting topic is the application of multiple robots to cooperatively
               search the environment to reduce the overall work time and simultaneously complete the functions of search,
               identification, and removal to improve efficiency.

               The authors would like to thank the editor-in-chief, the associate editor, and the anonymous reviewers for their
               valuable comments.

               Authors’ contributions
               Wrote and reviewed the manuscript: Lei T, Li G, Luo C, Zhang L, Liu L, Gates RS
               All authors contributed equally.
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