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Yang et al. Intell Robot 2022;2(3):223­43  I  Page 241

                                   Table 1. H ∞ performance with different values of variance for       (  ) and    0   (  )
                             Number of variances       and
                                0   that vary simultaneously  Values of the variance  Minimum ˆ  
                                                     1 = 0.05,    01 = 0.1           2.3705
                             1                       1 = 0.15,    01 = 0.2           2.4327

                                                     1 = 0.25,    02 = 0.3           2.7232
                                                     2 = 0.15,    02 = 0.25,    3 = 0.2,    03 = 0.15  2.3705
                             2                       2 = 0.1,    02 = 0.2,    3 = 0.15,    03 = 0.1  2.2259

                                                     2 = 0.05,    02 = 0.1,    3 = 0.1,    03 = 0.05  2.1583
                                                     1 = 0.15,    2 = 0.25,    3 = 0.3,    1 = 0.2,    2 = 0.35,    3 = 0.25  2.7265
                             3                       1 = 0.2,    2 = 0.3,    3 = 0.35,    1 = 0.25,    2 = 0.4,    3 = 0.3  3.1614
                                                     1 = 0.25,    2 = 0.35,    3 = 0.4,    1 = 0.3,    2 = 0.45,    3 = 0.35  3.9035

                                 Table 2. Comparative simulations with literature [27,41]  for consensus performance
                                            Consensus performance under  Consensus performance under leader-to-follower
                                            follower-to-follower fading  and follower-to-follower fading
                        Theorem 3.2 in  [27]  Consensus           Inconsistent

                        Theorem 3.2 in  [41]  Consensus           Inconsistent
                        Simplified Theorem 2 without  Consensus   Consensus performance deterioration
                        leader-to-follower fading
                        Theorem 2           Consensus             Consensus

               According to Table 2, it can be concluded that the consensus performance of the system will deteriorate or be
               destroyed, when Theorem 3.2 of [27] , Theorem 3.2 of [41] , and Simplified Theorem 2 in the absence of leader-to-
               follower fading additionally consider the channel fading of leader-to-follower. The control method proposed
               in Theorem 2 in this paper can still ensure the consensus performance of the system considering the channel
               fading between the leader-to-follower and follower-to-follower agents at the same time. This further proves
               that the model proposed in this paper is more general and the results are more effective than existing ones.

               In this paper, the H ∞ leader-following consensus problem of discrete multi-agent systems subject to chan-
               nel fading is solved under switching topologies with semi-Markov kernel. First, a fading model that takes
               into account all inter-agent channels (including leader-to-follower channels) is established based on a discrete
               semi-Markovswitchingtopology. Then, newsufficientcriteriahavebeendevelopedtoensurethemean-square
               stability and H ∞ performance of the consensus error system (6) by means of stochastic analysis method and
               Lyapunov stability theory. Further, for the case where the semi-Markov kernel of switching topologies is
               not completely accessible, distributed consensus control protocols with fading states have been designed and
               the desired controller gains have been calculated based on linear matrix inequalities. Finally, a simulation
               example is presented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. In future work, the problem of non-
               identical channelfading, adaptivefault-tolerant consensus andgame optimizationproblems for heterogeneous
               or higher-order nonlinear multi-agent systems are interesting topics. In addition, how to reduce the number
               of decision variables in matrix inequality conditions and reduce the computational burden is also a problem
               worth studying.
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