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Li et al. Intell Robot 2024;4(3):230-43  I    Page 240

                                   Longitudinal acceleration  0.05
                                              Very fatigue


                                                         Time length (80s)

                                 Figure 12. Waveform of longitudinal acceleration (adapted from Li et al., 2023  [24] ).

                       Table 1. Comparison of recognition accuracy of WOA-Attention-GRU algorithm (adapted from Li et al., 2023 [24] )

                            Projections    WOA-Attention-GRU  Attention-GRU  GRU  Transformer-based
                                           recognition accuracy  recognition accuracy  recognition accuracy  recognition accuracy
                            Awake          94.44%       84.09%       84.38%       83.42%
                            Fatigued       81.63%       79.59%       64.06%       70.52%
                            Very fatigued  93.44%       86.79%       84%          84.26%
                            Overall percentages  89.84%  83.56%      75.34%       82.65%
                           WOA: Whale optimization algorithm; GRU: gated recurrent unit.

                        Table 2. WOA-Attention-GRU fatigue recognition model detection results (adapted from Li et al., 2023  [24] )

                     Actual test                         Projections                     Actual sample size
                                          Awake           Fatigued       Very fatigued
                     Awake               34 (TN)          8 (FP)           1 (FR)           43
                     Fatigued             2 (FN)          40 (TP)          3 (FR)           45
                     Very fatigued       0 (FN)           1 (FP)          57 (TR)           58
                     Predicted sample size  36             49               61              146
                   WOA: Whale optimization algorithm; GRU: gated recurrent unit.

               and predict the fatigue state with high accuracy.

               3.4 Methodological evaluation
               This paper introduces four evaluation metrics - Precision, Recall, Condition positive, and F1-score - alongside
               Accuracy to comprehensively assess the fatigue recognition model. The results of the WOA-Attention-GRU
               fatigue recognition model are presented in Table 2 [24] .

               In the confusion matrix presented in Table 2,      denotes samples accurately predicted as awake,      indicates
               samples correctly predicted as fatigued, and      represents samples accurately predicted as very fatigued,     
               stands for fatigued and very fatigued samples falsely predicted as awake,      refers to awake or very fatigued
               samples falsely predicted as fatigued, and      points to awake or fatigued samples predicted as very fatigued.
               Using the awake sample as an illustration, the equations for each evaluation metric are established below:

               a. Exact rate: indicates the probability that actual positive samples are among those predicted to be positive.
                                                          =                                            (17)
               b. Recall rate: indicates the probability that samples predicted to be positive are among those actually positive.
                                                       =                                               (18)
                                                             +      +     
   175   176   177   178   179   180   181   182   183   184   185