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Berge et al.                                                                                                                                                                 Clinical outcomes of direct-acting antivirals

                        Clinical decompensations              publication has suggested that there is a higher risk
                                                              of tumor recurrence in patients with hepatocellular
               1.0                                                                                    [15]
                                                              carcinoma treated with direct-acting antivirals  , while
                                                              this association was not found in another prospective
             Free from clinical decompensations  0.6          may have on the development of hepatocellular
                                                                     . It is important to continue investigating this
                                                              relationship, developing long-term follow-up studies,
                                                              in order to clarify the effect that direct-acting antivirals
                                                              carcinoma and clinical decompensations so that we
                                                              can better understand and explain to our patients what
                                                              they can expect after achieving sustained virological
                                                              In  our  study,  the  development  of  hepatocellular
                                                              3.6%, as high as what it is expected for untreated
                                                                                . Thus, there seems to be no
                                                              cirrhotic patients
               0.0                                            carcinoma in a median of  16 months of  follow-up is
                                                              benefits in the short term in this aspect. Undoubtedly,
                   0      5      10     15     20     25      the study has many limitations as it is retrospective, it
                          Follow-up time (months)             was performed in a single center, and it has a relatively
           Figure 2: Kaplan Meier estimates of staying free of clinical   small sample size. However, not much data have been
           decompensation after direct-acting antiviral treatment
                                                              published to date and the follow-up period is longer
                                                              than in previous publications.
           Seventy-eight  patients (86.7%) stayed in stage A
           of Child-Pugh score at the end of the follow-up and   It is known that the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
           3 patients  (3.3%)  worsened  to Child-Pugh B  class.   increases in advanced stage of fibrosis, in patients with
           Two patients (2.2%) underwent liver transplantation   comorbidities such as diabetes mellitus, and in older
           during the follow-up and there was insufficient data to   age [17,18] . The reason why there are different outcomes
           calculate Child-Pugh stage in 7 patients (7.8%).   in terms  of  cancer  development  depending on the
                                                              treatment received could be explained by the fact that
           The  statistical  analysis  showed  a  significant   patients  with  more  advanced  liver  disease  and  with
           improvement in the mean platelet counts (P < 0.001,   comorbidities are now being treated with direct acting
           95%  CI:  -26,360,  -12,096)  and  in  the  mean  albumin   antivirals, as they were not considered suitable for
           levels (P < 0.001, 95% CI: -322, -130) after antiviral   interferon based therapies before due to the possibility
           treatment but not in the mean bilirubin level (P = 0.74,   of dangerous side effects. However, in our study the
           95% CI: -0.70, 0.97).                              mean age of patients was only 58-year-old, so we
                                                              cannot  justify the high incidence of  hepatocellular
           DISCUSSION                                         carcinoma as a result of the old age of patients treated
                                                              with direct-acting antivirals. On the other hand, it has
           It  has  been  described  that  patients  with  advanced   been described that  alpha-interferon can activate
           chronic liver disease who achieved sustained       natural killer cells, which are part of innate immunity
           virological response with interferon-based treatments   and  play  a  role  in  the  control  of  viral  infections  and
           have a hepatocellular carcinoma annual rate as low   tumors [19] ,  while  interferon-free  regimes  produce  a
           as  1%  (6),  while  for  untreated  patients  it  is  around   rapid decrease of HCV RNA levels which is followed
           3% [5,6] .  In  terms  of  hepatic  decompensation,  it  has   by a rapid decrease in natural killer cells activation [20] .
           been described an annual rate of 1.4% for patients   This hypothesis could explain the different outcomes
           treated with interferon, in opposition to a 5.7% for   between patients receiving one or the other treatment.
           untreated  cirrhotic  patients .  Although  it  is  known
           that direct-acting antiviral  therapy  has  changed  the   In  any  case,  neither  direct-acting  antivirals  nor
           history of chronic HCV infection, achieving very high   interferon-based  treatments  eliminate the risk  of
           cure rates and an excellent safety profile [12] , a recent   hepatocellular carcinoma and patients should continue
           prospective study has shown that the resolution of the   screening every 6 months after the achievement of
           infection with this treatment in cirrhotic patients does   sustained virological response.
           not seem to reduce the incidence of hepatocellular
           carcinoma in 24 weeks of follow-up [14] . Also, a recent   In  terms  of  clinical  decompensation,  we  also  did
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