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Berge et al.                                                                                                                                                                 Clinical outcomes of direct-acting antivirals

           In terms of treatment, the most frequent combination   carcinoma [Figure 1]. In one case, a suspicious lesion
           was sofosbuvir/ledipasvir (35.5%) and 66.7% of     was detected before treatment and, during the follow-
           patients also received ribavirin. Most participants   up,  2  nodules  were  confirmed  with  a  triple-phase
           (78.9%) were treated for 12 weeks. Six patients    computerized scan, one of 4.8 cm and one of 1.5 cm,
           (6.7%) had relevant adverse effects: 3 patients treated   compatible with hepatocellular carcinoma. Another
           with ribavirin developed moderate anaemia, which   patient  had  a  post-transplant  recurrence  in  the  form
           improved after lowering the dose; 1 patient referred   of  lymphatic  metastasis  15 months  after  initiation of
           severe asthenia; 1 patient developed a purpura which   therapy (without hepatocellular carcinoma in the liver
           required corticosteroids and 1 patient suffered an acute   graft). One patient developed a 4-cm nodule with portal
           on chronic liver failure which required discontinuation   vein thrombosis, one patient had a 3.3-cm nodule and
           of therapy during the third week of treatment. Eighty-  the last patient developed multiple hepatic nodules
           six out of 90 patients (94.6%) achieved SVR12. One   and bone metastasis. Thus, 3 patients out of 84 (3.6%)
           patient died during the follow-up due to a metastatic   developed  de novo hepatocellular carcinoma.  The
           hepatocellular carcinoma. There were no deaths due   median time between initiation of treatment and the
           to unrelated liver causes.                         diagnosis of liver cancer was 12 months.
                                                              Clinical decompensations
           Five patients had a history of hepatocellular carcinoma:
           2 patients had one nodule smaller than 5 cm, 2 patients   Four patients (4.4%) suffered an episode of hepatic
           had 3 nodules smaller than 3 cm, and 1 patient had 2   decompensation during the year of follow-up  [Figure 2]:
           nodules smaller than 2 cm. Three of them underwent   1 patient with  non-malignant portal thrombosis
           liver transplantation between 2004 and 2013 and    developed ascites, 1 patient with a history of ascites
           developed graft cirrhosis. The other 2 patients were   developed an acute on chronic liver failure during the
                                                              treatment, and 2 patients developed ascites coinciding
           treated first with direct-acting antivirals and underwent   with the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma.
           liver transplantation during the follow-up period.
                                                              Evolution of liver function
           Hepatocellular carcinoma
           Five  patients  (5.5%)  developed  hepatocellular   Seven patients (7.8%) improved MELD score more than
                                                              one point, 63 patients (70%) showed no differences
                                                              or ± one point and in 11 patients (12.2%) MELD score
           Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the study population  worsened more than one point. Two patients (2.2%)
           Characteristic                       Data, n (%)   underwent  liver  transplantation during the follow-up
           Follow-up (months), median (range)    16 (12-21)   and  there  was  insufficient  data  to  calculate  MELD
           Age (years), mean ± SD                58 ± 8.57    score in 7 patients (7.8%).
           Gender: male                          66 (73.3)
           Treatment                                                        Hepatocellular carcinoma
                Naive                            34 (37.8)
                Experienced                      56 (62.2)       1.0
           Liver graft cirrhosis                 10 (11.1)
                1a                                27 (30)
                1b                               47 (52.2)       0.8
                2                                 1 (1.1)
                3                                11 (12.2)
                4                                 4 (4.5)
           Treatment                                             0.6
                Sofosbuvir/ledipasvir            32 (35.5)
                Sofosbuvir/daclatasvir           24 (26.7)      Free from Hepatocellular carcinoma
                Sofosbuvir/simeprevir            16 (17.8)
                Paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir/dasabuvir  11 (12.2)  0.4
                Simeprevir/interferon             4 (4.4)
                Sofosbuvir/interferon             1 (1.1)
           Rivabirin: yes                        60 (66.7)
           Weeks of treatment                                    0.2
                2                                 1 (1.1)
                12                               71 (78.9)
                24                                18 (20)        0.0
           MELD score, median (range)             7 (6-16)
           History of previous hepatocellular carcinoma  5 (5.6)      0      5      10     15     20     25
           Albumin (mg/dL), mean ± SD           4,140 ± 424                   Follow-up time (months)
           Platelets (mm ), mean ± SD         117,788 ± 50,546  Figure 1: Kaplan Meier estimates of staying free of hepatocellular
           Bilirrubin (mg/dL), mean ± SD        1.06 ± 0.27   carcinoma after direct-acting antiviral treatment
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