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Douhara et al.                                                                                                                                                                         DAA therapy for patients with CHC

            (%)                  SVR 24                       Table 4: HCC development after DAA therapy, n = 33
                   13/13       14/14        6/6               HCC development                       n (%)
                                                              HCC pre-treatment (+)
            75                                                      HCC occurrence (+)              1 (3.0)
                                                                    HCC occurrence (-)                0
                                                              HCC history(-)
            50                                       DCV + ASV
                                                     SOF + LDV        HCC occurrence (+)           32 (97)
                                                                    HCC occurrence (-)
                                                     SOF + RBV
            25                                                Observed periods after DAA, month   10.4 ± 3.7
                                                              Patients without HCC history did not develop HCC in these
                                                              observed periods. One elderly patient (3.0%) had multiple HCC
                  DCV + ASV   SOF + LDV   SOF + RBV           recurrence after SVR24. HCC: hepatocellular carcinoma; DAA:
                                                              direct-acting antiviral agents
                          GT 1              GT 2
           Figure 2: SVR24 rate with GT1 or GT2. All patients achieved   HCC recurrence after SVR24 [Figure 4]. Before the start
           SVR24 regardless of GT1 or GT2. SVR: sustained virological   of  DAA  treatment,  transarterial  chemoembolization
           response; DCV: daclatasvir; ASV: asunaprevir; SOF: sofosbuvir;
           LDV: ledipasvir; RBV: ribavirin                    (TACE)  was  performed  twice.  Then,  DAA  treatment
                                                              was initiated after a complete response was achieved.
                                                              CE-CT after 3 months from the end of DAA treatment
           Table 2: Virological response before and 24 weeks following   showed local and distant HCC recurrence. Common
                                                              hepatic artery angiography showed multiple HCC.
                                      24 weeks                Thus, a 3rd TACE was performed for HCC recurrence.
           Characteristics  Baseline                P
                                     off therapy
           AST (IU/L)       43 ± 20    22 ± 5      0.000      DISCUSSION
           ALT (IU/L)       46 ± 29    17 ± 5      0.000
           T-bil (mg/dL)    0.8 ± 0.3  0.8 ± 0.3   0.094
           Albumin (g/dL)   4.1 ± 0.3  4.3 ± 0.2   0.081      IFN-based  therapy  for  CHC  should  not  be  used  for
           Platelet (10 x/mm )  14.4 ± 4.5  15.1 ± 4.3  0.125  elderly patients and autoimmune diseases because of
           AFP (ng/mL)     11.1 ± 19.0  6.0 ± 13.1  0.000     adverse effects and the mechanism of IFN. On the other
           FIB4-index       3.6 ± 2.6  2.6 ± 1.3   0.000      hand, DAA therapy can be used for these patients with
           AST, ALT, AFP and FIB4-index were significantly decreased.   relative safety. However, as DAA therapy is relatively
           However, T-bil, albumin and platelet count were not significantly   new, it is unclear whether DAA therapy ameliorates
           changed after SVR24. AST: aspartate aminotransferase; ALT:   hepatic  fibrosis  and  suppresses  the  development  of
           alanine aminotransferase; T-bil: total bilirubin; AFP: alpha-
           fetoprotein                                        HCC. Thus, the purpose of this retrospective cohort
                                                              study was to elucidate changes in liver function and
           ledipasvir (LDV) developed sarcoidosis after SVR24   fibrotic  markers  before  and  after  DAA  therapy  using
           [Figure  3]; after the end of  DAA treatment, renal   SVR24, adverse events and HCC development.
           dysfunction occurred. Renal biopsy revealed renal   The effect for SVR24 was very high in this cohort study.
           sarcoidosis. Moreover, chest X-P showed bilateral hilar   The SVR rate of DCV + ASV is known to be slightly
           lymphadenopathy while the ophthalmologic examination   lower than SOF + LDV. We checked the resistance
           showed iritis. Eradication of HCV or DAA treatment itself   associated substitution (RAS) before DCV + ASV
           might trigger the onset of sarcoidosis.            administration. All DCV + ASV patients didn’t have
                                                              Y93  mutation,  which  was  key  mutation  involving  for
           HCC development                                    non-SVR. In our speculation, the reasons of the high
           With regard to HCC development, patients without an   SVR24 rate of DCV + ASV group may be wild type of
           HCC history did not develop HCC in these observed   RAS and the small number of patients (DCV + ASV,
           periods [Table 4]. One elderly patient (3.0%) had multiple   n = 13).

           Table 3: Adverse events during and after DAA therapy
           Adverse events                DCV + ASV n = 13         SOF + LDV n = 14         SOF + RBV n = 6
                                                                                           Grade1, 2 (33.3%)
           Anemia                               0                       0
                                                                                           Grade 2, 3 (50%)
                                          Grade1, 1 (7.7%)
           Liver function test disorder                                 0                        0
                                          Grade3, 1 (7.7%)
           Pruritus                          1 (7.7%)                   0                        0
           Sarcoidosis                          0                     1 (7.1%)                   0
           Liver function disorder was found in only the DCV + ASV group. Anemia was found in only the SOF + RBV group. One patient treated with
           SOF + LDV developed sarcoidosis after SVR24. DCV: daclatasvir; ASV: asunaprevir; SOF: sofosbuvir; RBV: ribavirin; LDV: ledipasvir;
           SVR: sustained virological response
                           Hepatoma Research ¦ Volume 3 ¦ October 17, 2017                                217
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