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so he/she was excluded from the study, we were unable to   in patients with HCC of Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC)
            contact either 8 since no contact details were available, the   stage C. The combination of sorafenib with transplantation
            rest of 41 patients were included in the study. They were   or resection, either sequential or concomitant, cannot be
            followed up for about 4 months that is January 2015 to April   recommended outside clinical trials; however, sorafenib
            2015. Median overall survival was 3.8 months, ranging from   can be given for residual/recurrent disease after surgery/
            12  to  885  days.  The baseline  characteristics  and median   transplant/TACE/RFA. [2]
            overall surveillance are listed in Table 1.
                                                              Køstner  et  al.   conducted a  retrospective  study  with
            For some patients physicians done ablative therapies like   76 patients in 2011 in Denmark found that patients in
            transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) and radiofrequency   performance status 0-1 had a median overall survival of
            ablation (RFA) were done, the details regarding that were   6.2 months compared to 1.8 months in patients with
            like as follows, for around 3 patients RFA was done, around   poorer  performance  status.  Child-Pugh  A  patients  had
            4 were undergone for TACE, for around 2 patients were   median overall survival of 6.6 months versus 3.6 months
            done with both TACE and RFA. For the rest of their details   among patients with Child-Pugh B or C.
            was not available. Usually, sorafenib was given as 400 mg
            bid.  In  our  patient  population  mainly  3  types  of  dosing   In this study, we found that the efficacy was depending
            regimen were used. They are 400 mg bd, 600 mg daily, and   upon the survival rate which has depended on upon the
            200 mg bid. They were given to the patients in the following   liver  functions  which  can be  determined  through  liver
            manner 30 (73.17%), 1 (2.44%), and 10 (24.39%) respectively.   function test and  haematological parameters.
            Among this population due to the ADR, dose reduction was
            done in 3 patients from 400 mg bid to 200 mg bd, and 2   Ji  et al.   conducted an open-label  randomized study
            was ceased and continued. Apart from this, all the patients   with  189 patients  with  advanced HCC  Child-Pugh  B or
            showed good compliance with the therapy.          C HCC patients into 2 groups, one with sorafenib and
                                                              other with best supportive care. Median overall survival
            Treatment outcome                                 was 4 months and 3.5 months in the sorafenib group and
            The overall  survival in  our population was  estimated   best supportive care group respectively. In the sorafenib
            using the Kaplan-Meier method using statistical software   group, the  median performance status  and overall
            SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The overall survival was found as   survival were significantly longer in patients with BCLC
            114 days. The Kaplan-Meier curve for each criterion was   stage B and Child-Pugh class B liver function.
            illustrated in Figure 1.
                                                              In  this  study,  Child-Pugh  B has  more  median  overall
            The  efficacy  of  the  drug  sorafenib  was  assessed  by  the   survival when compared to Child-Pugh C, 125 days and 66
            changes in laboratory values such as haematological and   days respectively. The overall median survival was shown
            clinical biochemistry. The haemoglobin level was found to   to be similar to the above study that was 3.8 months.
            be increased in 34 (82.9%) patients and no changes were
            observed in 7 (17.1%) patients. The platelet count was found   Llovet  et  al.  conducted  randomized double-blind
            to be raised in 30 (73.2%) patients and no observed changes   placebo-controlled phase 3 trial  at  121 centres  in  21
            were found in 11 (26.8%) patients. The WBC count was found   countries in Europe, North America, South America,
            to be decreased in 30 (73.2%) and no observed change was   and Australia in 602 patients. The study shows that the
            found in 11 (26.8%) patients. While looking to clinical liver   median overall survival was 10.7 months in sorafenib
            parameters the bilirubin level was reduced for 19 (46.3%)   group and 7.9 months in the placebo group. The median
            patients and increased in 22 (53.7%) patients. That may be   time  to radiological progression was 5.5 months in
            due to adverse reaction to the drug (hyperbilirubinemia).   sorafenib group and 2.8 months in the placebo group.
            The albumin level was found to be increased in 26 (63.4%)
            patients and no observed changes were found in 15 (36.6%).   In this study about 8 patients had good survival (558 days
            The AST level was found to be decreased in 32 (78%) patients   to 885 days, in which sorafenib was highly effective.
            and no observed changes were found in 9 (22%) patients.
            The ALP level was found to be decreased in 32 (78%) patients   Køstner et al.  conducted a retrospective study in 2011 in
            and no observed changes were found in 9 (22%) patients.   Denmark with 76 patients in that they found that fatigue
            The ALT level was found to be reduced in 33 (80.5%) patients   (68%)  was  the  main  ADR  followed  by  anorexia  (47%);
            and no observed changes were found in 8 (19.5%) patients.   diarrhoea (42%); rash (33%); nausea (32%); and hand-foot
            Therefore the efficacy of the drug sorafenib has been proved   syndrome (28%). Sorafenib is generally tolerable also in more
            from the favourable changes in the laboratory values of the   compromised patients as the number and grade of adverse
            patients. ADRs found was illustrated in Table 2.  events did not differ significantly between the patients with
                                                              good versus poor performance status and liver function.
                                                              In this study, main ADRs were fatigue, anorexia, diarrhoea,
            In Indian population, therapy with sorafenib was indicated   rash, nausea, hand-foot syndrome. Dose reduction was made
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