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DEFINITION OF “ELDERLY PATIENT”                     or for those with tumor progressing upon loco-regional
                                                              therapies. [10]
          Due to the fact that aging involves a progressive shortening
          of life expectancy and reduction in the functionality of organ   The efficacy of sorafenib in HCC was established in SHARP
          systems, the definition of an “elderly patient” is somewhat hazy   and Asian-Pacific,  two randomized, phase III multicenter,
          and still a matter of debate.  What is the upper limit of age   double-blind, placebo-controlled trials that led to the
          in which a patient is considered as old? Should the cut-off of   approval of drug by the International Health Authorities.
          70 years used in clinical studies and in current clinical practice   In both studies, sorafenib administered at the dose of
          to be considered an acceptable and reasonable boundary? Is age   400 mg twice daily demonstrated a statistically significant
          the only parameter to take into account for defining an elderly   improvement of overall survival and time to progression than
          patient or should the so-called stage of aging be evaluated more   compared to the placebo in patients with well-preserved
          extensively? It has been demonstrated that the standardized   liver function (Child-Pugh A). Sorafenib proved to be
          geriatric evaluation systems, assessing additional parameters   well-tolerated, with skin toxicity (hand-foot skin reaction),
          such as comorbidities, cognitive, and health status, may better   diarrhea, and asthenia representing the most common
          correlate with therapy toxicity and patient outcomes,  and could   adverse effects. Temporary treatment interruptions and/or
          subsequently supply additional information to the standard   dose reductions along with immediate specific treatment
          performance status scale, such as KPS or ECOG PS, normally used   of adverse events proved effective in managing adverse
          in oncology. However, there has yet to be a general consensus   drug effects.
          on what the best geriatric evaluation system to use is.
                                                              In the SHARP trial, the median age of patients treated with
                                                              sorafenib was 64.9 ± 11.2 years, whereas the Asia-Pacific
          Due to their fragile conditions, elderly patients are generally
          perceived to be more susceptible to the toxic effects of   trial was 51 years (range 23-86). In both studies, the inclusion
          cancer therapy and, as a result, gain less clinical benefits from   criteria did not set an upper age limit. The Asia-Pacific study
          treatments due to frequent dose interruptions or permanent   included younger patients on account of the earlier onset
          discontinuations of the drug. This perception could be   of HCC in those regions. The preplanned subgroup analysis
          related to the fact that this population is underrepresented   according to the patients’ age grouping in the Asia-Pacific
                                                              study showed that sorafenib provided similar clinical benefits
          in clinical trials, which are often conducted excluding patients   in both younger (< 65 years) and older (≥ 65 years) patients.
          exceeding a certain age limit or those bearing comorbidities.
                                                              Following the two registrative trials, the use of sorafenib
                                                              has also been evaluated in large patient populations treated
          However, a growing body of evidence suggests that older   according to everyday clinical practice.
          patients with adequate organ function and a reasonable life
          expectancy should receive the same treatment as younger   Global Investigation of therapeutic DEcisions in HCC
          patients. A retrospective analysis is evaluating 13 different   and Of its treatment with sorafeNib, is an international,
          molecularly targeted cancer therapies found similar frequencies   post-approval, prospective, non-interventional study
          of drug-related adverse events among the elderly as in younger   undertaken to evaluate the safety and the efficacy of sorafenib
          patients.  To limit this gap and identify the most appropriate   in patients with unresectable HCC, in which the inclusion
          treatment of elderly patients, it is advisable to assess how   criteria of patients closely corresponded to that of real-life
          available treatment options behave in the framework of both   practices.  This study carried out in 39 countries worldwide,
          well-conducted clinical trials and in everyday clinical practice.  enrolled 3,371 patients; of these, 3,202 were available for the
                                                              evaluation of safety. Two interim analyses (after the accrual
          TREATMENT WITH SORAFENIB                            of 500 and 1,500 patients, respectively) and the final analysis
                                                              confirmed the safety profile of sorafenib previously recorded
          Therapeutic options for HCC range from surgeries (resection   in the phase III pivotal trials, without detecting any new
          or liver transplantation) to loco-regional therapies   unexpected adverse events. A breakdown of the safety of
          (percutaneous ethanol injection, radiofrequency ablation or   sorafenib according to age groups was available only for the
          trans-arterial chemo-embolization) and systemic treatment,   second interim analysis (1,571 patients).  The comparison
          depending either on the stage of tumor disease or on the   of sorafenib safety profiles in younger (< 65 years, n = 883)
          underlying liver disease. Currently, treatment with sorafenib   and older patients (≥ 65 years, n = 688) showed that the
          has been recognized as the only standard systemic therapy   incidence of adverse events, drug-related adverse events,
          for HCC. It is indicated for patients with well-preserved liver   and serious adverse events was independent of age, similar
          function (Child-Pugh A class) and with advanced tumors   in both older and younger patients. It is interesting to

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