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          Hepatocellular carcinoma in elderly patients: a concise review
          Hepatocellular carcinoma in elderly patients: a concise review
          on systemic therapy with sorafenib
          on systemic therapy with sorafenib

          Lombardi Giuseppe , Vitale Alessandro , Sara Lonardi , Bellu Luisa , Pambuku Ardi ,
          Marsico Valentina , Crivellari Gino , Aliberti Camillo , Cillo Umberto , Zagonel Vittorina       1
          1 Department of Clinical and Experimental Oncology, Medical Oncology 1, Veneto Institute of Oncology-IRCCS, 35128 Padua, Italy
          2 Department of Surgery, Oncology and Gastroenterology, University of Padua, 35122 Padua, Italy
          3 Interventional Oncology Unit, Veneto Institute of Oncology-IRCCS, 35128 Padua, Italy
               The treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in elderly patients is unclear. In particular, the effi cacy and safety of
               sorafenib as a systemic treatment in these patients is still under debate. We performed a concise review of sorafenib therapy
               in this population. However, it is important to make any decisions on treatment for elderly patients with HCC through a
               multidisciplinary team that includes experts in the liver disease. Patients with good clinical conditions should be treated
               with sorafenib.

               Key words: Hepatocellular carcinoma; sorafenib; treatment; chemotherapy; elderly patients

          Address for correspondence:
          Dr. Lombardi Giuseppe, Department of Clinical and Experimental Oncology, Medical Oncology 1, Veneto Institute of Oncology-IRCSS,
          Via Gattamelata, 64, 35128 Padua, Italy. E-mail:
          Received: 17-02-2015, Accepted: 11-05-2015

          INTRODUCTION                                        exposure.  Cirrhosis is another important risk factor, which
                                                              may be triggered by chronic viral hepatitis, alcohol or inherited
          Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common   metabolic diseases. Therefore, in up to 90% of cases, HCC
          solid organ malignancy worldwide and the second cause of   becomes progressively worse on account of underlying liver
          cancer-related mortality,  with the highest incidence rates in areas   diseases so that in most patients, prognosis and management
          where hepatitis B virus infection is endemic such as South-East   are influenced by the presence of two separate entities: Chronic
          Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.  Similar to other common cancers,   hepatitis with or without cirrhosis and HCC. [3,5,6]  Consequently,
          the incidence of HCC increases in relation to age. In Western   the choice of the appropriate HCC therapy should consider the
          countries, it tends to peak at the age of 75 years and in the United   limitations presented by underlying liver diseases.
          States it rarely occurs before the age of 40 years. In Chinese and in
          black African populations it generally occurs in younger patients. [2]  In the most recent HCC guidelines (EASL/EORTC,   AASLD,
                                                                      AISF, AIOM), disease staging includes tumor characteristics,
                                                              underlying liver cirrhosis, and performance status. Treatment
          Well-known risk factors typically characterize the development
          of HCC. The most frequent conditions include chronic viral   allocation is then based on these parameters. Patient age is
                                                              not taken into account though there is an increasing focus
          hepatitis (types B and C),  alcohol intake, and aflatoxin
                                                              on elderly patients. Due to the aging of the population,
                                                              this group represents the fastest growing segment of
                          Access this article online
                                             Quick Response Code  populations with cancer.
                           The aim of this investigation was to review all the gathered
                                                              experience of using sorafenib, a targeted multikinase

           DOI:                                               inhibitor, in the treatment of HCC, with a focus on the
           10.4103/2394-5079.157695                           evaluation of safety and the efficacy of this agent in the
                                                              elderly as compared to younger patients.

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