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Page 6 of 11                                                Garg et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:39  I

               Figure 2. A 70-year old male with histologically confirmed hepatocellular carcinoma in non-cirrhotic liver with mild steatosis and no
               steatohepatitis (non-alcoholic fatty liver). Patient was obese (BMI of 30.7), diabetic and dyslipidemic. On multiphase contrast enhanced
               CT (A-C), a heterogeneously enhancing mass (arrow) on arterial phase (A) with no washout on portal venous (B) and complete washout
               on delayed phase (C) images can be seen. In addition, a thin but incomplete capsule (arrowhead) can be seen on delayed phase image (C).
               No features of portal hypertension were seen on imaging

               Figure 3. A 73-year old male with histologically confirmed hepatocellular carcinoma in non-cirrhotic liver with severe steatohepatitis
               (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). Patient was obese (BMI of 31.1) and diabetic. On multiphase contrast enhanced CT (A-C), a
               heterogeneously enhancing mass (arrow) on arterial phase (A) showing no washout on portal venous (B) and delayed phase (C) images
               can be seen

               Table 2. Imaging features of HCC and liver parenchyma at CT by majority consensus in patients with NAFLD-associated HCC
               (n = 38) by non-cirrhotic (n = 14) and cirrhotic (n = 24) liver morphology
                HCC imaging features  Main cohort (n = 48)  Non-cirrhotic pathology (n = 14)  Cirrhotic pathology (n = 24)  P-value
                Tumor size (mean ± SD)  3.6 ± 2.8           5.1 ± 3.9              2.7 ± 1.3        0.008
                APHE                   35 (92.1)            13 (92.8)              22 (91.7)        1.00
                PVWO                   21 (55.3)            11 (78.6)              10 (41.7)        0.04
                DPWO                   31 (81.6)            12 (85.7)              19 (79.2)        1.00
                Enhancing “Capsule”    17 (44.7)            9 (64.3)               8 (33.3)         0.09
                Cirrhotic Liver Morphology  25 (65.8)       2 (14.3)               23 (95.8)        < 0.001
                Portal hypertension    24 (63.2)            2 (14.3)               22 (91.7)        < 0.001
                LIRADS Score*                                                                       0.29
                   2                   3 (7.9)              0                      3 (12.5)
                   3                   0                    0                      0
                   4                   11 (28.9)            3 (21.4)               8 (33.3)
                   5                   24 (63.2)            11 (78.6)              13 (54.2)
               * LIRADS score applied to see if HCCs would meet the criteria, however if there is no cirrhosis, LIRADs criteria should not be applied as
               per guidelines. APHE: arterial phase hyperenhancement; PVWO: portal venous washout; DPWO: delayed phase washout

               larger in size at presentation . This may be due to lack of screening guidelines in non-cirrhotic patients
               with NAFLD [3,28] . Larger tumor size seen in noan-cirrhotic livers at presentation may make them ineligible
               for transplant based on Milan criteria for transplantation [35,36] .

               Imaging features of HCC on multiphase CT and MRI are based on sequential changes in the intra-lesional
               blood supply during hepatocarcinogenesis. Advanced HCCs receive their blood supply predominantly
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