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Garg et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:39  I                                               Page 5 of 11

               Table 1. Clinical-pathological characteristics in patients with NAFLD-associated HCC (n = 38; main) by non-cirrhotic (n = 14)
               and cirrhotic (n = 24) liver
                Clinical and Pathological findings   Main Cohort (n = 38)  Non-cirrhotic (n = 14)  Cirrhotic (n = 24)  P-value
                Age (years) (mean ± SD)      63 ± 7.2          66.2 ± 6.3        60.9 ± 7.2       0.03
                Gender                                                                            0.47
                   Female                    12 (31.6)         3 (21.4)          9 (37.5)
                   Male                      26 (68.4)         11 (78.6)         15 (62.5)
                BMI (kg/m ) (mean ± SD)      32.2 ± 4.9        30.6 ± 4.6        33.1 ± 5.0       0.14
                Diabetes (%)                 28 (73.7)         9 (64.3)          19 (79.2)        0.45
                Total Cholesterol (mean ± SD)  151.9 ± 39.7    171 ± 36.4        147.4 ± 39.9     0.24
                Triglycerides (mean ± SD)    130.6 ± 53.5      129.2 ± 71.1      131 ± 50.7       0.95
                HCC Pathology Source
                   Biopsy                    5 (13.2)          3 (21.4)          2 (8.3)          < 0.001
                   Surgical Resection        12 (31.6)         10 (71.4)         2 (8.3)
                   Liver Explant at Transplant  21 (55.3)      1 (7.1)           20 (83.3)
                Pathologic Features
                Tumor Grade
                   Well differentiated       14 (36.8)         4 (29)            10 (41.7)        0.31
                   Well-Moderately differentiated   5 (13.2)   1 (7.1)           4 (16.7)
                   Moderately differentiated  16 (42.1)        9 (64.3)          7 (29.2)
                   Moderate-Poorly differentiated  2 (5.3)                       2 (8.3)
                   Poorly differentiated     1 (2.6)                             1 (4.2)
                Hepatic Steatosis Grade                                                           0.003
                   Minimal                   10 (26.3)                           10 (41.7)
                   Mild                      26 (68.4)         12 (85.7)         14 (58.3)
                   Moderate                  2 (5.3)           2 (14.3)
                Hepatic Fibrosis Stage
                   0                         9 (23.7)          9 (64.3)
                   1                         3 (7.9)           3 (21.4)
                   2                         2 (5.3))          2 (14.3)
                   4                         24 (63.2)                           24 (100)

               P-value for non-cirrhotic group vs. cirrhotic group; continuous variables analyzed using unpaired t-test with equal variance assumption;
               categorical data analyzed using Fischer’s exact test. BMI: body mass index; NAFLD: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease; HCC: hepatocellular

               (P = 0.95), tumor size (P = 0.67), tumor grade (P = 0.31), APHE (P = 1.00), DPWO (P = 1.00) and enhancing
               capsule (P = 0.09).

               HCC and liver parenchyma imaging characteristics - inter-rater agreement
               Inter-rater agreement was moderate to almost perfect for HCC APHE (0.74-1.0), none to moderate for
               PVWO (0-0.42), weak to almost perfect for DPWO (0.47-0.95) [Figure 4] and none to moderate for capsule
               (0.05-0.79). The inter-rater agreement was moderate to almost perfect for cirrhosis (0.79-0.89) and portal
               hypertension (0.79-0.95). Pathology and CT agreement for presence of cirrhosis was strong at 0.84. Inter-
               rater agreement for imaging features is summarized in Table 3.

               In our study of NAFLD associated HCC, many HCCs did not demonstrate major imaging features
               particularly PVWO and enhancing capsule were absent in nearly half and DPWO was absent in nearly 20%
               of the patients. Cirrhotic morphology was present in 25 (65.8%) patients. A third (36.8%) of HCC occurring
               in non-cirrhotic livers would not be eligible for LIRADs classification.

               Our study results are in agreement with previous reports in literature that HCC can occur even in the
               absence of steatohepatitis or fibrosis/cirrhosis [10,19-21,28-34] . Also HCCs in non-cirrhotic liver were larger in
               agreement with existing literature that HCCs in non-cirrhotic liver usually present at a later stage and are
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