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Page 10 of 13                                             Tong et al. Hepatoma Res 2019;5:36  I

               Table 3. Bivariate and multivariate analysis of recurrence-free survival
                                Bivariate analysis                           Multivariate analysis
                                n    HR     95%CI   P-value                    HR     95%CI     P-value
               TGR (%/mo)      164   1.27  0.99-1.63  0.0612  TGR (%/mo)       1.34   1.03-1.74  0.0289
               Age (years)     164   1.02  1.01-1.04  0.0059  Age (years)      1.08   0.99-1.18  0.0717
               Hepatitis virus                                Hepatitis virus
               HBV             65    ref                      HBV              ref
               HCV             98    1.42  0.98-2.06  0.0606  HCV              1.44   0.94-2.20  0.0905
               HBV + HCV       1     --    --                 HBV + HCV
                 Female        58    ref
                 Male          106   0.87  0.60-1.25  0.449
                 African American  6  ref
                 Asian         105   1.57  0.50-4.97  0.4441
                 Hispanic      23    2.31  0.67-7.90  0.1826
                 White         30    1.78  0.53-5.92  0.3502
                 No            125   ref
                 Yes           32    0.90  0.57-1.42  0.6410
               Macrovascular invasion                         Macrovascular invasion
                 No            149   ref                       No              ref
                 Yes           9     1.64  0.80-3.38  0.1789   Yes             1.94   0.90-4.18  0.0916
                 No            35    ref
                 Yes           129   1.08  0.69-1.67  0.7429
                 No            51    ref
                 Yes           113   0.70  0.48-1.02  0.0647
               Treatment                                      Treatment
               Supportive      44    ref                      Supportive       ref
               Chemotherapy    7     1.78  0.79-4.00  0.1654  Chemotherapy     3.00   1.28-7.01  0.0112
               OLT             26    0.13  0.06-0.27  0       OLT              0.14   0.07-0.30  0
               Resection       21    0.40  0.21-0.74  0.0039  Resection        0.54   0.28-1.06  0.0716
               RFA             29    0.50  0.29-0.84  0.0099  RFA              0.58   0.33-1.02  0.0596
               PEI             7     0.59  0.25-1.40  0.2324  PEI              0.67   0.25-1.79  0.4249
               TACE            30    0.92  0.57-1.50  0.7464  TACE             1.15   0.68-1.93  0.6056

               TGR: tumor growth rate; HBV: hepatitis B virus; HCV: hepatitis C virus; OLT: orthotopic liver transplantation; RFA: radiofrequency ablation;
               PEI: percutaneous ethanol injection; TACE: transarterial chemoembolization

               In our study, TGR significantly influenced recurrence-free survival in patients who received OLT, surgical
               resection, or RFA. In each of these treatments, recurrence-free survival was significantly longer in patients
               with slow TGRs. Prolonged recurrence-free survival was observed in patients with slow TGRs who received
               OLT. The recurrence-free survival was similar in patients with slow or fast TGRs who received surgical
               resection or RFA. Also, survival was similar in patients who had TACE or supportive care, regardless of
               TGRs. The poorest recurrence-free survival was observed in patients who received either of the latter two
               treatments and who had fast TGRs. These findings indicate that TGRs may be a useful biomarker when
               evaluating HCC patients for treatments and in predicting outcomes to therapies.

               While this study strongly supports TGR as a simple imaging-based prognostic biomarker, we should
               comment that both OPTN and LI-RADS use 6 month threshold growth of 50% as an ancillary criteria
               for HCC diagnosis, largely based on expert opinion from the OPTN imaging committee [20,21] . We believe
               that this diagnostic definition may be too restrictive in patients with fast TGRs and may possibly affect
               prognosis since potential HCCs with a fast TGR may be left untreated for an extended period if the OPTN
               and LI-RADS criterion is used. Therefore, measurement of TGR may also be of use in establishing criteria
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