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Page 8 of 16                       Kodag et al. Dis Prev Res 2023;2:12

               Table 2. Shows participant’s responses
                Spatial planning                Participant responses                Aggregated
                Components                     Yes        No       Not sure          Risk
                Residential                    80         15       5                 High
                Floating                       80         10       10                High
                Migrant                        65         20       15                Medium
                Cultural stability             30         50       20                Low
                Overall risk                                                         High
                Residential                    75         25       0                 High
                Commercial                     75         20       5                 High
                Mix use                        80         15       5                 High
                Overall risk                                                         High
                Width of roads                 50         40       10                Medium
                Pedestrian pathways            50         25       25                Medium
                Traffic density                90         7        3                 High
                Surface drainage               70         20       10                High
                Safety issues                  50         20       30                High
                Overall risk                                                         High
                Open spaces
                Public gardens                 60         20       20                Medium
                Public playgrounds             80         15       5                 High
                Undeveloped land               30         60       10                Low
                Overall risk                                                         Medium
                Physical infrastructure
                Density of buildings           75         20       5                 High
                Floor space index              55         30       15                Medium
                Building margins               60         20       20                High
                Building height                75         20       5                 High
                Overall risk                                                         High
                Critical infrastructure
                Hospitals                      70         15       15                Medium
                Police stations                50         25       25                Medium
                Fire stations                  50         25       25                Medium
                Overall risk                                                         Medium
                Critical services
                Water supply                   65         15       20                Medium
                Sewage management              75         20       5                 High
                Waste management               85         10       5                 High
                Overall risk                                                         High

               The city is growing in its spatial boundaries and population. The development plan over the years has
               shown an increase in residential and allied landuse. According to the survey participants, 75% opined that
               residential landuse will increase to accommodate the growing population, especially attracted due to
               smarter developments in the city, while 25% feel that smart city initiatives may not contribute to the landuse
               pattern. Almost 75% participants also feel that the commercial landuse will increase in the city in response
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