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Huang et al. Complex Eng Syst 2023;3:2  I  Page 5 of 20

               4.1. Inverse perspective mapping with ground equation
               The projection equation of the camera is as follows:

                                                  c      =      c =      cb    b                        (1)
               where    c = [   c ,   c ,    c ] isthecoordinatesofapointunderthecameracoordinatesystem,and    istheintrinsic
               matrix of the camera.    c is the   -axis coordinate of the actual ground point in the camera coordinate system.
                  b is the coordinates of a point in the vehicle coordinate system,    uv = [  ,   ] is the coordinates of a point in
               the pixel coordinate system,    cb represents transformation matrix from the camera to the vehicle coordinate

               We calculate the ground equations in the LiDAR coordinate system as follows [30] :
                                                      l =       lc    c =       c = −                   (2)
                                                 l      l        c
               where    l is the vector normal to the ground plane in the LiDAR coordinate system, and    lc is the transforma-
               tion matrix from the LiDAR to the camera coordinate system.    1 is the point in the radar coordinate system.
                  c is the vector normal to the ground plane in the camera coordinate system.
               Combining (1) and (2),
                                                                
                                                        0         0  
                                               uv  
                                                                
                                                  0                0 
                                              1                                                       (3)
                                                 =                 c =      cb    b
                                                   0  0   1
                                              0              0  
                                                                   
                                               
                                                                
               where    is:

                                                          =                                             (4)
               The physical meaning of    is the offset of the plane in the direction of the normal vector (after normalizing
               the normal vector   ). In the camera coordinate system,    in the ground equation cannot be zero. Therefore,
               it can be assumed that    is full rank.
               Since the matrix    varies with the ground equation, its inverse matrix must be calculated for each subsequent
               frame, and the program overhead is significant. From the chunk matrix property, we can further obtain the
                                                           −1             uv  
                                              1                    0      
                                                   c =   −1 T  −1        1                            (5)
                                                      −               −1     
                                                                         0  
               From (5), the program only needs to compute    once in the initialization phase. Then, it is just a matter of
               computing    and    in each subsequent frame of the program.
               4.2. Piecewise cubic hermite spline fitting
               A CHS curve is a cubic polynomial curve determined by the starting point    0, the ending point    1, the slope
               of the starting point    0, and the slope of the ending point    1. The equation of a parametric cubic polynomial
               curve is defined as:
                                                                     1 − 3   + 2    3
                                                                               
                                                                     
                                                                       +1  3   − 2   3 
                                    F    (    ,      +1 ,       ,      +1 ,   ) =            =      2  3     (6)
                                                                            − 2   +    
                                                                        2   3  
                                                                      +1   −   +     
                                                                               
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