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Page 2 of 15                    Sun et al. Complex Eng Syst 2022;2:17  I

               1. INTRODUCTION
               Switched systems are important dynamic systems. The idea of switching has been widely applied in various
               fields, such as aircraft attitude control , ecological dynamics , and financial markets . With the increasing
               complexity of system architectures, dynamical analysis of switched systems has attracted significant academic
               interest. A switched system consists of a family of continuous-time dynamics, discrete-time dynamics, and
               switching rules between subsystems. According to the switching signal features, switched systems are divided
               intotwocategories, namely, deterministicswitchedsystemsandrandomlyswitchedsystems. Manyresearchers
               have focused on stabilization and stability analyses of various switched systems. For example, in , a series of
               results on stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with Markovian switching was obtained. In particular, the
               authors have provided some useful stability criteria. In , the authors studied the input-to-state stability of
               time-varying switched systems by employing the ADT method coupled with the MLF approach. The authors
               of investigated the stability of switched stochastic delay neural networks with all unstable subsystems based
               on discretized Lyapunov-Krasovskii functions (DLKFs). In , a novel Lyapunov function was designed to
               ensure a non-weighted L 2 gain for switched systems with asynchronous switching. In , a hidden Markov
               model was proposed to study the finite region    ∞ asynchronous control problem for two-dimensional Markov
               jump systems. Other interesting researches on switched systems can be found in [9–11]  and references therein.

               The linear growth condition (LGC) is crucial for ensuring the existence of a global solution for a stochastic
               system. However, many stochastic systems do not satisfy LGC. Hence, the solution of a stochastic system
               may explode in a finite time. Recently, the stability of stochastic systems without LGC has drawn consider-
               able attention. For instance, the authors of [12]  investigated the stability and boundedness of nonlinear hybrid
               stochastic differential delay equations without LGC based on a Lyapunov function approach. By introducing a
               polynomial growth condition (PGC), [13]  discussed the stabilization problem of highly nonlinear hybrid SDEs.
               The input-to-state practically exponential stability in the sense of mean square was introduced in [14] . Suffi-
               cient conditions for stability have been obtained. Additionally, other meaningful results were reported in [15]
               and [16] .

               Time-delayisanimportantfactorthataffectsdynamical performancesofstochastic systems. Byconstructinga
               suitableLyapunovfunction, theauthorsof [12]  studiedthestabilityandboundednessofhighlynonlinearhybrid
               stochastic systems with a time delay. The authors of [17]  used the ADT method to study the stability problem of
               SSSs, where the switching signals are deterministic. Based on the stability criteria for stochastic time-delay sys-
               tems, the authors of [18]  introduced a suitable Lyapunov-Krasovskii (L-K) functional, and discussed the global
               probabilistic asymptotic stability of the closed-loop system. In [19] , the Razumikhin approach was presented to
               study the exponential stability of a class of impulsive stochastic delay differential systems. Using the piecewise
               dynamic gain method, the authors of [20]  studied the global uniform ultimate boundedness of switched linear
               time-delay systems. Motivated by the aforementioned literature, the stability of highly nonlinear SSSs with
               time-varying delays is studied in this paper. Figure 1 shows the framework of this paper.

               The challenges of this article lie in the following two parts: (1) The time delay studied here is merely a Borel
               measurable function of time   . That is to say, it may be non-differentiable with respect to time   , which means
               that the existing methods regarding constant delays or differentiable delays are no longer applicable; (2) Rather
               thatMarkovianswitchedsystemsbasedM-matrixmethodisinvalid. Toaddresstheinfluencesofdeterministic
               switching signals, an ADT method coupled with the MLF approach is utilized in our stability analysis.

               The main advantages of this paper are as follows:
               (1) Without the LGC, the existence and uniqueness of a global solution is proven for highly nonlinear SSSs,
               where a deterministic switching signal rather than a Markovian switching signal is considered.
               (2) By integrating the ADT method and MLF approach, the   th moment exponential stability and almost
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