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Page 146                                                    Sendino et al. Cancer Drug Resist 2018;1:139-63 I

               Table 1. Expression of XPO1 in human cancer
                Type of cancer      Number of samples   Relationship to prognosis    Remarks          Ref.
                AML              511 patients (Reverse-phase   High XPO1 expression associated        [80]
                                 protein array)      with poor prognosis
                MCL              Data from public expression   NA           Higher expression in mantle cell   [81]
                                 array data sets plus 3 patients            lymphoma cells
                                 and 8 cell lines (qRT-PCR)
                MM               Data from public expression   NA           XPO1 expression increases with disease  [82]
                                 array data sets                            progression
                                 351 patients (data from public  High XPO1 expression associated      [83]
                                 expression array data sets)   with poor prognosis
                                 plus 8 patients (IB)
                Glioma           273 patients (data collected   High XPO1 expression associated       [84]
                                 from public expression array   with poor prognosis
                                 data sets) plus 12 patients (IB)
                                 70 patients (IHC + IB)  High XPO1 expression associated   XPO1 expression level inversely cor-  [85]
                                                     with poor prognosis    related with p27 level
                Non-small cell lung cancer  148 patients (microarray) plus  High XPO1 expression associated   XPO1, BRCA1, HIF1A and DLC1 consti-  [86]
                                 291 patients (qRT-PCR)  with poor prognosis  tute a robust prognostic classifier in
                                                                            stage I lung adenocarcinoma patients
                Gastric cancer   240 patients (IHC)  Low XPO1 expression associated                   [87]
                                                     with poor prognosis
                                 120 patients (IHC)  High XPO1 expression associated                  [88]
                                                     with poor prognosis
                Thymic epithelial tumors  118 patients (IHC)  High XPO1 expression associated         [89]
                                                     with poor prognosis
                Ovarian cancer   88 patients (IHC)   XPO1 is expressed in ovarian carci- XPO1 expression correlated with cyclo-  [90]
                                                     nomas with aggressive behavior and  oxygenase-2 expression
                                                     is related to poor patient survival
                Liver cancer     154 cases (IHC)     NA                     XPO1 expression assessed in tumor and  [91]
                                                                            adjacent normal tissues
                Esophageal squamous cell  220 patients (IHC+IB+IF)  High XPO1 expression associated   XPO1 siRNA causes apoptosis in   [92]
                carcinoma                            with shorter survival  esophageal cancer cell lines
                                 56 patients (IHC+qRT-PCR)   Trend for shorter survival of patients XPO1 localization also altered in cancer  [93]
                                                     with higher XPO1 expression  cells
                Pancreas cancer  69 patients (IB)    High XPO1 expression associated                  [94]
                                                     with poor prognosis
                Renal cancer     (IHC)               NA                     Higher XPO1 expression in higher grade  [95]
                Breast carcinoma  280 patients (IHC + IB)  High XPO1 expression associated            [96]
                                                     with poor prognosis
                Ewing sarcoma    37 patients (IHC) plus data   NA           XPO1 is highly expressed in Ewing   [97]
                                 from public expression array               sarcoma
                                 data sets
                Osteosarcoma     57 patients (IHC)   High XPO1 expression associated                  [98]
                                                     with shorter survival
                Melanoma         83 patients (31 primary, 52   NA           XPO1 overexpressed in metastatic   [99]
                                 metastatic) (MA)                           melanoma
               AML: Acute myeloid leukemia; MCL: mantle cell lymphoma; MM: multiple myeloma; IB: immunoblot; IF: immunofluorescence; IHC: immunohistochemistry;
               MA: microarray; qRT-PCR: quantitative real-time PCR; NA: not assessed

               In several of these studies, the potential prognostic significance of XPO1 expression has been evaluated.
               Higher XPO1 expression was associated with poorer patient prognosis in patients with ovarian tumors ,
               pancreatic tumors , esophageal tumors , gliomas [84,85] , thymic epithelial tumors , and breast tumors .
               In contrast, high XPO1 expression was related to better prognosis in osteosarcoma patients . Finally, con-
               tradictory findings on the prognostic value of XPO1 expression in gastric cancer have been reported [87,88] .
               The molecular mechanisms responsible for XPO1 overexpression in cancer cells are still poorly character-
               ized. Copy number gains at chromosomal region 2p, affecting the XPO1 locus, have been found to cor-
               relate with high XPO1 mRNA expression in lymphomas  and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) .
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