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Page 169                                                  De Robertis et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:166-79

               Table 1. Items composing the radiomics quality score and relative points [4]
                RQS checkpoints       Criteria                                                  Points
                1                     Image protocol quality                                    +1 or +2
                2                     Multiple segmentation                                     +1
                                      Phantom study                                             +1
                                      Imaging at multiple timepoints                            +1
                3                     Feature reduction or adjustment for multiple testing      -3 or +3
                                      Multivariable analysis                                    +1
                                      Biological correlates                                     +1
                                      Cut-off analysis                                          +1
                                      Discrimination statistics                                 +1 or +2
                                      Calibration statistics                                    +1 or +2
                                      Prospective study                                         +7
                                      Validation                                                -5 to +5
                                      Comparison to gold standard                               +2
                                      Potential clinical applications                           +2
                                      Cost-effectiveness analysis                               +1
                                      Open science and data                                     +1 to +4
               RQS: Radiomics quality score.

               Table 2. Summary of the meta-analysis and systematic reviews included in this study that reported pooled diagnostic values
                Study              Aims                                  Diagnostic value
                Harding-Theobald et al. [10]  Differentiation of HCC from other lesions   c-statistic 0.66-0.95
                                   Prediction of MVI in HCC              c-statistic 0.76-0.92
                                   Prediction of recurrence after hepatectomy for HCC   c-statistic  0.71-0.86
                                   Prediction of prognosis after treatment for HCC  c-statistic  0.74-0.81
                Huang et al.       Preoperative prediction of MVI in HCC  Se 0.78, Sp 0.78
                Wang et al.        Preoperative prediction of MVI in HCC  AUC 0.69-0.94
                Li et al.          Preoperative prediction of MVI in HCC  Se 84%, Sp 83%, AUC 0.90
                Zhong et al. [20]  Preoperative prediction of MVI in HCC  AUC 0.74-0.87
                Fiz et al.         Lymph node metastases in biliary tumors  AUC 0.729-0.900, Acc 0.69-0.83
                                   Grading in biliary tumors             AUC 0.680-0.890, Acc 0.70-0.82
                                   Survival in biliary tumors            C-index 0.673-0.889
                                   Differentiation of iCC from other lesions  AUC > 0.800
                Wesdorp et al.     Response to treatment in LM           AUC 0.797-0.814
                Jia et al. [45]    Preoperative prediction of KRAS status in LM  Se 0.80/0.78, Sp 0.80/0.84, AUC 0.87/0.86
                Gao et al.         Correlation with OS in PDAC           HR 1.66
                Staal et al.       Prediction of tumor grade in GEP-NETs  AUC 0.74-0.96
                                   Differentiation of GEP-NETs from other lesions  AUC 0.80-0.99
                                   Recurrence in pNETs                   AUC 0.77
               AUC:  Area  under  the  curve;  GEP-NETs:  gastro-entero-pancreatic  neuroendocrine  tumors;  HCC:  hepatocellular  carcinoma;  HR:  hazard  ratio;
               iCC: intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma; KRAS: Kirsten Rat Sarcoma Virus gene; LM: liver  metastases;  MVI: microvascular invasion; OS: overall
               survival; PDAC: pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; pNETs: pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors; Se: sensitivity; Sp: specificity.

               Transabdominal US, alone or in combination with serum markers, is the backbone for surveillance and
               early identification of HCC in high-risk subjects , as it has a sensitivity of 94% for detecting HCC before it
               becomes clinically apparent; however, US has a lower sensitivity (63%) for detecting early-stage HCC .
               There are several reasons for this, including tumor location, size, and echogenicity, as well as patient-related
               factors that limit US exploration, such as poor cooperation, obesity, and marked steatosis, which are
               relevant given the increasing prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Enhancing the
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