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Page 167                                                  De Robertis et al. Art Int Surg 2023;3:166-79

               diagnostic accuracy and reproducibility. Moreover, radiological images contain a large amount of
               information that is invisible even to an experienced human eye.

               Radiomics is an advanced computational analysis of biomedical images, including ultrasound (US),
               computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography
               (PET), that aims to obtain an objective, detailed, and multidimensional characterization of biological tissues
               through the extraction of numerical features by converting images into mineable data. Radiomics features
               numerically describe and quantify the spatial distribution and relationships between the voxels that
               compose a “black and white” image, which ultimately reflect the underlying physiopathology of the tissue
               under study . Although the clinical role of radiologists in patients’ care remains a cornerstone of cancer
               imaging, the addition of radiomics features to the visual assessment of an imaging examination may
               improve the diagnostic performance of radiologists, the reproducibility of the results, and the patients’
               outcomes by identifying adverse pathological features, predicting disease recurrence and survival, and
               improving the evaluation of treatment response, which are extremely important for HBP surgery. Previous
               reports revealed that radiomics is a promising tool to improve the non-invasive characterization and
               preoperative staging of HBP neoplasms . Nevertheless, each individual step in the process of radiomics has
               technical challenges that result in a significant translational gap between research and clinical practice.

               The aim of this paper was to review the current role of radiomics in HBP surgery by analyzing systematic
               reviews, meta-analyses and the most relevant published series.

               The most important field of application of radiomics is oncological imaging. The underlying hypothesis is
               that radiomics features parallelize the heterogeneity that characterizes tumor histology, allowing deep
               exploration of tumor microenvironment and intra- and inter-tumoral heterogeneity, which are ultimately
               related to the biological and genomic characteristics . The workflow of radiomics consists of several steps :
               (1) acquisition of standardized, high-quality radiological images; (2) accurate segmentation of the tumor
               mass with delineation of a volume of interest (VOI); (3) extraction of reproducible, non-redundant and
               uncorrelated radiomics features; (4) integration of radiomics features with pathological and clinical data; (5)
               construction of a database for data mining.

               Each of these steps is a potential source of bias that may affect the quality, robustness and reproducibility of
               the results. Given that a single voxel can influence the radiomics features, differences in the equipment, for
               example, the magnetic field strength in MRI and the number of detectors in CT, and the image acquisition
               protocols lead to relevant discrepancies between studies.

               Segmentation, defined as the delineation of the tumor mass relative to adjacent structures, is one of the
               most important sources of variability. Manual tumor segmentation is time-consuming and limited by
               human capabilities, but also has the advantage of being controlled in real time by the human eye; on the
               other hand, automatic tumor segmentation is fast and highly standardizable, but lacks the ability to
               iteratively understand whether data are being acquired correctly; finally, semi-automatic tumor
               segmentation seems to be the most effective method because it combines the advantages of computer
               technology with the control of the human eye . Radiomic feature extraction is a poorly standardized
               process, given the multitude of software applications that work differently to convert voxels to numerical
               data; furthermore, post-processing of biomedical images can be done with several different modeling
               algorithms. Both these aspects increase the heterogeneity between studies. Finally, large, shared databases
               for data mining would be essential to validate the results of single studies by interrogating separate
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