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Page 6 of 9            Klugmann et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:8

                Figure 2. Representative chromogenic detection of AspRS by immunohistochemical labelling with Diaminobenzidine (DAB) in the motor
                cortex, hippocampus, brainstem (pons), and cerebellum of the human brain. Scale bar: 100 µm.

               Sections are washed 3 times with PBS and then incubated with biotin-conjugated secondary antibodies for 2
               h at room temperature (instead of fluorophore-coupled secondary antibodies). Sections are washed 3 times
               in PBS and incubated in ABC solution (Vectastain #PK-6105, Goat IgG) for 30 min at room temperature.
               Following three washes with PBS, sections are incubated with DAB solution (DAB substrate kit for
               peroxidase; Vector Laboratories #SK-4100) as described in the manufacturer’s protocol. DAB-labelled
               sections can be imaged with a suitable light microscope or scanned using a slide scanner. In our study, an
               Aperio slide scanner (Leica) was used, followed by image processing using the Aperio ImageScope software
               (Leica) [Figure 2]. Representative chromogenic images showing AspRS in the cortex, hippocampus,
               brainstem, and cerebellum of the human brain using the DAB staining method described here are shown in
               Figure 2. An in-depth characterization and discussion of AspRS expression in the human brain has been
               described elsewhere .

               TECHNICAL NOTES
               Western blotting
               The homogenization method used for protein extraction may vary depending on the kind and amount of
               tissue. For brain tissue, we found that a combination of sonication and grinding in liquid nitrogen works
               best. When grinding using mortar and pestle, make sure that the sample remains covered in liquid nitrogen
               to avoid thawing of the tissue. Before the pulverized tissue is transferred into an Eppendorf tube, ensure that
               all liquid nitrogen has evaporated from the mortar. Any liquid nitrogen transferred into an enclosed
               reaction tube can be hazardous as the tube might explode when warming up. During the subsequent
               sonication step, all cells are lysed by liquid cavitation. An advantage of sonication over other protein
               extraction methods is that DNA is also sheared during the process and there is no need to treat the sample
               with DNase. To avoid protein degradation, it is important to keep the samples on ice during sonication.
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