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Page 2 of 20                                                  Orekhov et al. Vessel Plus 2019;3:10  I

               monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation involves global transcriptome changes that are tightly controlled by various
               transcriptional regulators and signaling mechanisms. In this review, we discuss monocyte-macrophage heterogeneity and
               signaling pathways regulating the differentiation at transcription level.

               Keywords: Monocyte, macrophage, differentiation, polarization, inflammatory M1 phenotype, anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype,
               transcriptional regulation

               Being a key component of the innate immunity, macrophages are involved in phagocytosis and clearance
               of cell debris, invading microorganisms, foreign bodies, modified or damaged cells, and other objects
               and substances that do not express on their surface markers specific for normal body cells . Initially, 2
               major phenotypes of macrophages have been distinguished: pro-inflammatory M1 phenotype, and anti-
               inflammatory M2 phenotype. This simplified classification reflected a similar distinction between Th1
               and Th2 lymphocytes. M1 macrophages release cytokines and chemokines essential for activation and
               recruitment of lymphocytes to the inflamed sites. Macrophages also perform antigen-presenting function
               essential for the induction of the humoral immune response . Alternatively-activated M2 macrophages
               control and resolve inflammation through releasing anti-inflammatory cytokines. These macrophages
               participate in wound healing, post-inflammatory tissue repair and remodeling . While M1 activity
               suppresses cell proliferation and promotes tissue damage, M2 activity induces tissue regeneration and
               stimulates cells to proliferate. The differences in functional properties of the M1 and M2 macrophage subsets
               are reflected by differences in arginine metabolism. M1 macrophages possess a unique capacity to generate
               a “killer” molecule nitric oxide (NO) from arginine, which is widely used to damage and kill pathogens
               through production of peroxynitrite. By contrast, M2 macrophages transform arginine to the “repair” amino
               acid molecule ornithine, which is further involved in the synthesis of proline and polyamines .
               In macrophages, polarization and phenotype switching are accompanied by global changes in cell
               transcriptome and proteome that are strictly regulated by exogenous and intrinsic stimuli. Failure to control
               macrophage plasticity may result in maladaptive response leading either to inflammatory diseases and tissue
               damage (in a case of excessive M1-polarized response) or to tissue fibrosis and cancer (in case of extensive
               M2-polarized response).

               Monocytes that give rise to the tissue macrophage population are also characterized by substantial
               heterogeneity, which may underlie that of macrophages. Early studies showed the presence of two main
               monocyte subsets in mice . Pro-inflammatory monocytes (characterized as Gr1 /Ly6C CCR2 CX3CR1 )
               can give rise to inflammatory macrophages and dendritic cells, while anti-inflammatory monocytes (Gr1/
               Ly6C CCR2 CX3CR1 ) perform patrolling functions and differentiate to M2 macrophages . It was
               hypothesized that the occurrence of such subsets that serve as precursors of either pro-inflammatory or
               anti-inflammatory macrophages can suggest for the presence of two distinct or overlapping mechanisms
               in monocyte differentiation. However, this hypothesis remains to be confirmed experimentally. Recently,
               Ly6C  monocytes were shown to serve as precursors of Ly6C  cells in homeostatic conditions when
               transplanted to the control mice being able to spontaneously differentiate to Ly6C  cells both in the blood
               and in bone marrow . In the absence of inflammation, Ly6C  monocytes migrate and accumulate in the
               bone marrow where they transform to the Ly6C  sub-population . Functionally, the Ly6C  subset is
               involved in restoration of tissue-specific resident macrophages and replenishment of Ly6C  monocytes (in
               steady-state conditions) or induction of inflammation and antigen processing (in inflammatory conditions).
               Apart from patrolling, Ly6C  monocytes participate in anti-viral response thanks to their ability to
               recognize viral nucleic acids due to high expression of toll-like receptor (TLR)-7 . This subset can also be
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