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Gowdar et al.                                                                                                                                                     Diabetes mellitus and takotsubo cardiomyopathy

           In this partial retrospective and partial prospective study,   prevalence of DM and hypertension was evaluated.
           190 patients enrolled in the Takotsubo Italian Network   The  identification  of  the  prevalence  of  DM  was  the
           Registry were selected (mean age 66.0 ± 11.4 years). [22]    primary purpose of this analysis, with the prevalence of
           Out of these 190 patients, 175 were female (92%). As   hypertension used as an index of representativeness
           compared  to the prevalence  of hypertension,  which   of the  TC patients  to the general  population.  Five
           was found to  be 48.4%, the prevalence of  diabetes   sub-analysis were performed in this study. In the first
           was found to be very low (5.7%). Thus, this study also   analysis,  which included  all  TC patients  including
           favors the notion of DM playing a protective role in TC.  single case reports and small and large case series,
                                                              comprising 33,894 patients (mean age 67.3 years
           Case control studies                               and 89% females), 57.4% had hypertension,  while
           In a case-control study utilizing the NIS 2008-2009,   the prevalence of DM was only 16.8%. In the second
           Falola  et  al. [23]   identified  1,724  patients  with  TC   analysis (included only data from single patient case
           (average age 65.3 years) as cases. When cases      reports or patient series  with patient  data reported
           were compared with controls [patients admitted with   individually), comprising 1,085 patients (mean age 61.7
           ST-Elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) for initial   years and 86.3% females), 42.8% had hypertension and
           care], it was seen that females comprised 90.2% of the   only 10.2% had DM. In the third analysis, using patient
           patients in the TC group vs. only 35.7% in the STEMI   case series with patient data reported collectively and
           (control) group.  The  prevalence of  hypertension   excluding individually reported patients and comprising
           was noted to be 58.6% and 66% among the cases      32,809 patients (mean age 67.3 years, 89% females),
           and control groups respectively. On the other hand,   57.9% had hypertension while the prevalence of DM
           diabetes was considered as a protective factor for TC   was 17%. In the fourth analysis (TC patients aged > 60
           as the prevalence of diabetes in TC cases was quite   years, from case reports and case series with patient
           low  (1.6%).  DM  prevalence  was  significantly  lower   data reported individually) of 687 patients (mean age
           in TC patients when compared to those with STEMI   72.2 years and 89% females), 50.4% had hypertension
           (odds ratio 0.3, P < 0.0001). [23]                 while  the  prevalence  of  DM  was  11.9%.  Finally,  in
                                                              the fifth analysis (TC patients > 65 years from singe
           In another case control study, a total of 505 TC patients   patient case reports and case series in which data
           were  identified  from  the  Swedish  Angiography  and   on patients were reported individually),  comprising
           Angioplasty Registry between 2009 and 2013 using the   550  TC patients (mean age 74.6 years and 91.1%
           Mayo Clinic criteria. [24]  The TC patients were matched   females), 52.2% had hypertension  while only 12.5%
           for age and gender with controls with and without CAD.   had DM. All five analyses in this study thus consistently
           All the patients presented with an acute event/chest   indicated a high prevalence of hypertension (> 50%),
           pain and underwent coronary angiography to identify   similar  to  the  global  and  US  rates  of  hypertension
           the underlying cause.  Among the 505 patients with   prevalence (prevalence of age adjusted hypertension
           TC, 442 (87.5%) were women with a mean age of 67   was 65.4% for those > 60 years in the National Health
           ± 10 years. Only 33 patients with TC (6.5%) had DM   and Nutrition Evaluation Survey or NHANES study and
           as compared to 200 patients (19.8%) with CAD, which   60-65% globally). Given that hypertension prevalence
           further supports that DM plays a protective role in TC.  was used  an index  of representativeness  of the  TC
                                                              patients to the general population in this meta-analysis,
           In another Polish case-control study, 101 patients   it was assumed that the TC patient population was a
           hospitalized with TC were studied. [25]  The control group   comparable representative of the general population.
           consisted of 101 female patients diagnosed with anterior   Conversely, in all 5 analyses, DM had a low prevalence,
           myocardial infarction with STEMI. The mean age was   with prevalence rates of 16.8%, 10.2%, 17%, 11.9%
           67.6 ± 14.2 years in the TC group vs. 72.1 ± 13.1 years   and  12.5%, respectively.  These prevalence  rates
           in the control group. Females comprised 89.5% of the   were significantly lower than prevalence rates of DM
           TC group. Whereas  the prevalence  of hypertension   in similar age matched populations. Furthermore, this
           was comparable in both the groups (63.2% in the TC   study was a global analysis, using TC  patients from
           group and 68.3% in the control group), DM prevalence   the entire world literature of TC. Global estimates of
           was significantly lower in those with TC (12.6% in the   DM prevalence in the elderly is around 20%, and in
           TC group and 29.7% in the control group).          this study,  was 11.9% and 12.5% in the individual
                                                              case analyses  of  patients over 60 and 65  years of
           Meta-analysis                                      age, respectively. Thus, the prevalence of DM in the

           In  a meta-analysis of  959 papers including  794   TC  patients was approximately  half the expected
           single or multiple patient case reports and 165 case   prevalence rate of DM. In addition, in an analysis of
           series, comprising a total of 33,894 TC patients, the   14 case series, with each case series comprising over

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