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Bui et al. Vessel Plus 2021;6:31  Page 9 of 12

               Table 1. Comparison between 3D printing, virtual reality, and augmented reality
                                           3D printing            Virtual reality   Augmented reality
                Initial set-up costs a     USD $5k to $600k       Up to USD $2k     Up to USD $10k
                Recurring cost             USD $100 to $2k        Minimal           Minimal
                Processing time c          Hours to days          Minutes to hours  Minutes to hours
                Tactile experience         Present                Absent d          Absent
                                                                      e                 e
                Learning curve             Short                  Longer            Longer
                Surgical simulation        Single time use        Repeated use      Repeated use
                Environment                Real                   Virtual           Real
                Use in real-time surgery   Yes, only as reference  No               Yes
                Team discussions allowed   Yes                    Possible f        Possible f
                                                                       g                 g
                Integration with EMR       No                     Possible          Possible
               a                                                                     b
                Initial set-up cost refers to the cost of either a 3D printer, VR, or AR device, and the post-processing software.  The material cost of a 3D model
               can range from USD $100 to $2k, depending on the complexity of the model and material used.  Processing time of all three modalities is
               dependent on the complexity of the pathology, and equipment or software used.  Virtual reality can sometimes be coupled with haptic devices for
               tactile experience, but this experience is still limited.  The learning curve for VR and AR simulations is user, software and hardware dependent.
               f                                                          g
               Team discussions on VR and AR can be possible with the correct software and hardware.  Integrating VR and AR simulations with patient’s
               electronic medical record is possible but is dependent on the site’s capabilities.
               surgical plan that was largely unanimous and rated the overall experience as very positive . Ye et al.
               agreed with the benefits of mixed reality, and concluded that the modality has higher diagnostic accuracy
               and shorter surgical planning time compared to a control group using computerized 3D reconstruction of
               CT angiography images in 34 DORV patients.

               The use of mixed reality holograms has also proved its usefulness in telemedicine and long-distance surgical
               guidance. In an experiment that measured the effectiveness of Microsoft HoloLens in telementoring, both
               mentor and mentee wore the head-mounted HoloLens and communicated remotely via Skype .
               Throughout the craniofacial surgical practice, there was a minimal delay in communication between the
               two participants. The mentor was able to give full instructions while entirely viewing the procedures carried
               out by the resident through the HoloLens. Most importantly, besides giving voice instruction, both
               participants could utilize the telestration function to draw lines and arrows on 2D images in the
               HoloLens . These extended features of AR technology proved it to be a useful tool for telemedicine as it
               enhances long-distance communication, reduces traveling cost, enriches the knowledge among surgical
               trainees, and improves patients’ access to experienced surgeons.

               While some argue that VR and AR are superior to 3D cardiac models because of their magnifying
               capabilities and reliable resolution that is not limited to the hardware involved, others prefer 3D printed
               cardiac models because of the tactile stimulation that comes with holding the model in one’s hand. All
               modalities are also limited by the availability of medical imaging like CT or MRI, reconstruction tools with
               high initial set-up costs, and logistical difficulties. Despite the cons, all three modalities have proved their
               usefulness in surgery as they can assist surgeons during pre-procedure planning, minimize postoperative
               complications, shorten surgical hours, and improve crucial patient-physician relationships. As more
               preliminary results and emerging evidence demonstrate that the use of these imaging modalities translates
               to better patient outcomes, surgeons should explore the use of these technologies further and contribute to
               advancing the surgical field.
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