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Page 4 of 9              Rademacher et al. Vessel Plus 2022;6:39

               Table 1. Unadjusted estimates: Reported unadjusted estimates of association between POAF and stroke in eight separate meta-
               analyses. Characteristics of pooled primary studies used to obtain these estimates are also described
                                             Included   Total     Pooled estimate &  Average time to follow-up for
                Year & Name   Population
                                             studies    subjects  CI             creating estimate
                Hernandez et al.  ,   CABG, Valve, CABG +  10  17,127  OR 1.77 (95%CI:   not reported
                2013          Valve                               1.36-2.31)
                Megens et al.  , 2017 CABG, CABG + Valve  13  108,711  ES 1.36 (95%CI:   2.05 years
                Lin et al. [13] , 2019  CABG, Valve, CABG +  6  33,319  OR 1.62 (95%CI:   30 days
                              Valve                               1.47-1.80)
                Kerwin et al. [14] , 2020 CABG  12      89,498    OR 2.15 (95%CI:   not reported
                Woldendorp et al. [15] ,  CABG, Valve, Other   61  239,018  OR 2.29 (95%CI:   30 days
                2020          Cardiac                             1.97-2.66)
                Caldonazo et al. [18] ,   Any cardiac surgery  57  246,340  OR 2.17 (95%CI:   30 days
                2021                                              1.90-2.49)
                Chau et al. [17] , 2021  CABG  3        28,003    RR 1.57 (95%CI:   4.79 years
                Eikelboom et al.  ,   CABG, CABG + Valve  4  9,072  OR 4.09 (95%CI:   6.1 years
                2021                                              2.49-6.72)

               the arguably most comprehensive analysis of the association of POAF and stroke in patients undergoing
               cardiac surgery. The unadjusted, pooled OR for stroke during follow-up in this study is 2.29 (1.97-2.66) and
               derived from 61 studies. No confounder-adjusted estimate was reported in this meta-analysis. A 2021 study
               by Eikelboom et al.  reported an unadjusted, pooled OR estimate from 4 studies on patients undergoing
               CABG and/or valve procedures, that is significantly higher [4.09 (2.49-6.72)] compared to the other meta-
               analyses. And Chau et al.  (2021) included 3 studies of patients undergoing CABG and reported a pooled
               OR estimate of 1.57 (1.27-1.95). Finally, Caldonazo et al.  reported their pooled estimate for the unadjusted
               OR for stroke in patients with POAF at 2.17 (1.90-2.49), including 57 studies in patients undergoing cardiac

               Several published studies on POAF and stroke were not included in the meta-analyses cited above. A
               notable example is a report from the SWEDHEART registry on this topic. SWEDHEART is an
               observational, nationwide, population-based, longitudinal registry-based cohort study including all Swedish
               residents > 18 years receiving cardiovascular care. This study included 24,523 patients with no previous
               history of atrial fibrillation, no taking anticoagulation preoperatively, undergoing first-time CABG. Thirty
               percent developed POAF (within 30 days of the index procedure) . At 5 years follow-up, POAF was
               associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke [HR 1.18 (1.05-1.32)] after adjustment for variables
               differentiating them from the group without POAF.

               Evidence on anticoagulation in POAF to prevent stroke
               The evidence for anticoagulation in the setting of POAF is relatively sparse. We identified 5 studies
               evaluating the impact of anticoagulation on stroke in the setting of POAF [Table 2] [20-24] . Of these, 3 studies
               had results that supported the use of anticoagulants [20-22] , and two studies had inconclusive evidence or noted
               no adverse effects of anticoagulation [23,24] .

               Current guidelines  suggest using anticoagulation in patients with POAF are based primarily on one study
               (new-onset atrial fibrillation predicts long-term mortality after coronary artery bypass graft)  and the
               experience in patients with atrial fibrillation in general.
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