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Page 14 of 19                Maiocchi et al. Vessel Plus 2023;7:27

               The separation of blood into cellular and liquid layers in the presence of an anticoagulant through
               centrifugation allows for the isolation of plasma. Blood plasma provides a rich source of miRNAs. It offers a
               non-invasive and easily accessible sample type, collected through standard venipuncture techniques, which
               makes it convenient for use in diagnostic testing. Moreover, plasma is stable, abundant, and compatible
               with this protocol. Additionally, the systemic representation of plasma allows for longitudinal monitoring,
               providing broader insights into overall health status. While miRNAs may be recovered from serum, the
               number of recovered miRNAs will differ significantly. For example, a recent study comparing miRNA
               recovered from plasma vs serum of acute myocardial infarction patients revealed differential expression
               patterns . Therefore, we recommend the use of plasma for this protocol.

               During the plasma isolation process, it is important to monitor for hemolysis as it likely indicates sample
               degradation or mishandling . Use of a large bore (e.g., 18 gauge) collection needle, and gentle handling
               during processing can limit hemolysis. Hemolysis can compromise the accuracy, specificity, and reliability
               of results due to the presence of PCR inhibitors, contamination with genomic DNA, and distortion of target
               nucleic acid concentration . Hemolytic samples should be excluded from analysis.
               Proper handling and transfer of plasma to sterile, nuclease-free tubes ensure preservation for quantitative
               ddPCR analysis. Snap freezing rapidly preserves samples, typically using liquid nitrogen or a slurry or dry
               ice and isopropanol . This method must be performed when preserving plasma and prior to downstream
               storage of isolated nucleic acids, as it helps to prevent the formation of large ice crystals, which can damage
               the nucleic acids. Cryo-preservation of plasma at temperatures of -80 °C or below helps inhibit enzymatic
               activity and chemical reactions that lead to nucleic acid degradation. To maintain miRNA integrity during
               storage and handling, it is important to limit freeze-thaw cycles. Each cycle can cause significant nucleic
               acid degradation or fragmentation. Storing samples in aliquots eliminates the negative effects of freeze-thaw

               During the freeze-thaw process, nucleic acids are vulnerable to damage from changes in pH, physical
               shearing, and denaturation . Slowly thawing samples minimizes damage by allowing for gradual pH
               change, reducing the rate of ice crystal formation, and allowing the nucleic acids to refold, reducing
               denaturation. Using sterile, nuclease/pyrogen-free water/buffers/tubes, freezing the sample rapidly, thawing
               them slowly, and avoiding repeated freeze-thaw cycles are all essential components of reproducibility.

               There are myriad ways to isolate miRNAs from plasma, each with its own capacities, advantages,
               disadvantages, and idiosyncrasies. For example, we have found that the phenol-chloroform extraction
               method is incredibly cost-effective and efficient for the isolation of messenger (mRNAs) [13,22] . However, this
               method does not efficiently isolate small RNAs from plasma. Adding different components, such as
               glycogen, can mitigate this to a degree, but because circulating miRNA levels are relatively low, these
               methodologies cannot yield enough for direct quantification by this method. While pre-amplification has
               been used in the past, these additional modifications result in inevitable variations, making results less
               comparable across studies.

               For this protocol, we have chosen the miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit from Qiagen, which has
               previously been reported to be among the optimal kits to isolate miRNA from plasma . The kit utilizes a
               silica-based membrane and chaotropic salt to selectively bind and elute small RNAs. Although it is not the
               most cost-efficient method available, it is comprehensively effective, standardized, and can be automated.
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