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Page 12 of 19                Maiocchi et al. Vessel Plus 2023;7:27

                Figure 4. Representative 2-dimensional ddPCR plots of cardiovascular disease related microRNAs. ddPCR plots are separated into 4
                quadrants representing FAM(-), VIC(-) events (lower left), FAM(-), VIC(+) events (lower right), FAM(+), VIC(-) events (upper left),
                and FAM(+) VIC(+) events (upper right). The analysis allows for quantification of total copy numbers, as well as a ratio of the
                microRNA of interest specific events [FAM(+), VIC(+)] normalized to the spike-in of miR39, represented by FAM(-), VIC(+) events.

               Table 1 details the expected values of all miRNA targets in healthy individuals with no significant medical
               history.  While  no  statistical  differences  were  detected  between  healthy  males  and  females,
               Supplementary Table 1 has all levels demarcated by sex. These tables are provided to assist in the
               independent corroboration of results using this method.

               Accurate quantification of nucleic acids, particularly miRNAs, from blood plays a pivotal role in
               understanding disease mechanisms, identifying biomarkers, and developing diagnostic approaches.
               However, ensuring the reliability and reproducibility of quantitative results necessitates standardized
               protocols for blood collection, plasma processing, cryo-storage, miRNA isolation, reverse transcription,
               droplet generation, PCR amplification, fluorescence reading, and data analysis. By standardizing these steps
               and implementing appropriate quality control measures, researchers and clinicians can enhance the
               robustness and validity of circulating miRNA quantification. To assist independent corroboration of
               conclusions, this protocol provides comprehensive disclosure of all relevant experimental details required to
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