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Padilla et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:27  Page 5 of 13

               Table 1. Conditions included in the Philippine newborn screening program as of 2023
                                             Fatty acid
                                 Endocrine               Organic     Urea cycle   Hemoglobin
                Amino acid disorders         oxidation                                         Others
                                 disorders   disorders   acidurias   defects     disorders
                Homocystinuria (HCY)  Congenital   Medium chain-  Propionic   Argininosuccinic  Detectable   Biotinidase
                                 adrenal     acyl-CoA    acidemia (PA)  aciduria (ASA)  hemoglobinopathies   deficiency
                                 hyperplasia   dehydrogenase                     and thalassemias   (BIO)
                                 (CAH)       deficiency                          (HGB)
                Methionine adenosine   Congenital   Very long Chain-  Methylmalonic   Citrullinemia   Cystic fibrosis
                Transferase deficiency   Hypothyroidism  acyl- CoA   academia   (CIT)          (CF)
                (MAT)            (CH)        Dehydrogenase   (MMA)
                [Hypermethioninemia]         deficiency
                Maple syrup urine disease    Long chain   Isovaleric                           Galactosemia
                (MSUD)                       hydroxy-acyl-   acidemia (IVA)                    (GAL)
                Phenylketonuria (PKU)        Trifunctional   3-                                Glucose-6-
                [Hyperphenylalaninemia,      protein deficiency  methylcrotonyl                phosphate
                6-pyruvoyl-                  (TFP)       carboxylase                           dehydrogenase
                tetrahydropterin synthase                deficiency                            deficiency
                deficiency]                              (3MCC)                                (G6PDD)
                Tyrosinemia (TYR)            Carnitine   Beta-
                [Tyrosinemia type I, II, III]  palmitoyl   Ketothiolase
                                             Transferase   deficiency (BKT)
                                             deficiency (CPT1)
                                             Carnitine   Glutaric aciduria
                                             palmitoyl   type (GA1)
                                             deficiency 2
                                             Carnitine uptake   Multiple
                                             defect (CUD)   carboxylase
                                             Glutaric aciduria
                                             type 2 (GA2)

               peaked at 93.5% before the COVID-19 pandemic. Coverage dipped to 88.1% during the pandemic and is
               now (2023) returning to its pre-pandemic coverage.

               The archipelagic nature of the Philippines poses the additional challenge of implementation across the
               7200+ NSFs. This challenge has been met by the appointment of a NBS coordinator for NSF. This
               coordinator is responsible for ensuring that every baby born in the NSF undergoes NBS. Responsibilities
               also include educating healthcare workers and the family, collecting samples, and arranging for the courier
               service to pick-up and transport specimens to the designated NSC. The NSC performs the screening tests,
               releases the screening results, completes short-term follow-up activities, and then refers confirmed cases to a
               Newborn Screening Continuity Clinic (NBSCC). In the short-term follow-up process, the NBS coordinator
               at the NSF can be contacted to facilitate additional testing for screen-positive newborns, aiding in the
               diagnostic process.

               The NBSCCs and Centers for Human Genetic Services (CHGSs) were created to assist in providing patient
               care for diagnosed cases. The NBSCCs were first established in 2014 to strengthen the referral network and
               to ensure the appropriate treatment/management of confirmed cases . The establishment of the NBSCCs
               was in response to the lack of medical facilities with capabilities for long-term patient care of patients
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